Jack wasn't sure how his mother would react with two total strangers in her house.
When he hurriedly stood up to embrace her, he gestured for the two to move aside and use his obstruction to hide. But they both stood firm, unmoving, and obviously curious as to see the woman that raised him.
Other than a slight facial similarity, Jack looked nothing like his mother. While she had a smooth, beautiful face, Jack felt like an overgrown troll. Where he had dark hair, she had brown hair almost reaching the base of her back. But everyone that saw the two of them side by side marked them off as siblings instantly. There were times Noel told him she acted more of a big sister than his mom. But Jack couldn't care less. He'd never had a sister to start with, only a mother that put her best into raising him and caring for his basic needs. Which was why he knew she wouldn't mind if he brought a friend or two into the house. Only that the privilege was as good as wasted on Jack. Other than Oliver, Newt and Sharina were the only other people he'd ever let inside.
Still, in her arms, Jack felt her body tense as she saw the two behind her son. Pulling away, she looked Jack in the eye.
"Friends of yours?"
Sharina shuffled forward, interrupting Jack's response and bowing slightly. "Yes ma'am." She smiled at the woman, a hand outstretched. "I'm Sharina."
"You have a lovely name dear," his mother smiled warmly, taking her hand.
Jack saw her blush a little before turning away to give room for Newt. As much as Jack felt obliged to teaming up with the two of them to stop a mythical figure, he wasn't comfortable with this current situation.
"Newt," Newt said, shaking her hand and managing a smile.
Still, with her golden smile, she nodded. "You two can call me Callee."
"More like call me up for-" Zeus spoke with excitement in his voice for the first time since he returned.
"Shut up," Jack muttered, careful not to let his mom hear him talking to himself. "That's my mother."
"Your mother is absolutely stunning." If Zeus was in the flesh beside him, Jack was sure he was drooling. "Why, as your punishment for putting your pitiful life in danger, you could sneak into the bathroom while she is washing, and-"
"You are a sick god."
"Bah. I would not expect a degraded mortal virgin to understand my hunger."
Ignoring his insult, Jack stepped aside for his mother to walk into the living room. She carried nothing in her hands, other than her keychain holding only her car key and the key to the house.
"How was work?" he asked, trailing behind her, not even acknowledging the duo that felt left out merely three feet from them.
"We have guests Jack," she replied calmly, but with a commanding tone. "Follow me into the kitchen." Then she turned and gestured to the others. "Sit down and make yourselves comfortable. I'll be out with something to eat."
"Thank you Callee ma'am," Newt said, bowing slightly again before making his way to the couch beside where Sharina sat.
Dragging her into the kitchen, Jack crossed his arms across his chest.
"What? You brought them in, not me."
Rolling his eyes, he leaned against the smooth stone table erected in the middle of the kitchen.
"I didn't want to," he told her. "And you can make them leave as easily as you told them you'd make a light meal."
"Jack?" she called, drawing him out of his ranting phase. "Go out and keep them company, I'll do this myself."
"I'm glad Jack," she cut him off. "You've finally decided to get over all that before."
She was referring to the point in his life where he was burdened with bullies. The part of his life he hated having to remember.
"I'll keep them occupied," he mumbled with a frown.
Receiving a light pat on his back, he walked out of the room, wishing he'd wake up from his nightmare, with his so-called friends, gone.
"Your mom seems nice," Sharina snickered as he flung himself into a chair. "Where are her genes?"
"Piss off."
Newt bumped his shoulder playfully. "She's just teasing. Don't take her seriously."
Taken aback by his sudden reclusiveness, Sharina scooted close to him, a mischievous grin spread wide on her face. Leaning away from her, Jack tried to get to his feet and sit in another chair, but Newt held him down by his shoulders.
"You know," she said, rubbing her hands together. "I don't recall you laughing once since we met."
Squirming between Newt's surprisingly strong grip, Jack pressed his arms against his body and tried to remain as rigid as possible.
"Don't struggle, Jack." Sharina placed her hands on either side of his body. "It's for your own good."
If Jack could discharge electricity from his body as the master bolt did, he would've blasted the duo to smithereens. Holding back a flood of laughter, Jack tried to wiggle out of Newt's grip, but the latter held him down forcefully, chuckling along with his tormentor.
"Aren't you two satisfied?" Jack chortled, finally giving in after nearly two minutes of pointless struggle.
Ceasing her tickling, Sharina looked up. "It was going to be till your mom came in, but we've seen you smile now."
Shrugging Newt off, Jack tried to assume his former posture on the couch. "You could've asked me to smile."
"And get a fake one?"
Newt dropped onto the couch, beside Jack. "She may be right on that."
Jack shook his head at the both of them and leaned into the chair, trying to snuggle in. "Well, don't try that again."
"And who's going to stop us?"
"Ah, shut up," he grumbled, turning his head to conceal a smile. Looking out the window for the first time since they settled back in his house, Jack was surprised at the fact he hadn't noticed the lapse in time sooner. And he was sure the others didn't realize as well.
"It's already getting dark," he informed them, causing them to also swivel their heads towards the window. "That would explain why my mom got back already."
"We spent nearly eleven hours in there," Newt whistled, staring down at his phone. "Guess I'd better get going."
Sharina lifted an eyebrow in his direction. "Better be here tomorrow. Same time as today."
Jack spoke up to intervene but Newt nonchalantly shut him up. "Alright then, I'll see you later." He walked towards the kitchen. "Have a good night miss Callee."
"Oh you're going home so soon?" she asked, disappointment creeping into her voice.
"We didn't realize time had passed so much," Sharina explained, coming up behind him. "Could we come over tomorrow though?"
Callee nodded. "Any friend of my son is more than welcome."
Listening in from his comfortable position on the couch, Jack wondered why nobody came to ask for his opinion.