........ With Everything At Stake........

For ten minutes, Newt was sure they would win.

Sharina kept getting good rolls and made ground investments that seemed to be giving their rival a problem. The only downside was that their rival's smile hadn't melted off her face. The two had calmed down since he arrived, only raising their voices when the other delayed or act suspiciously while drawing money from the cardboard box they proclaimed a bank. Besides that, they played calmly and seriously for the most part, majorly because Newt had a deathly gaze fixed on the game.

He was no stranger to monopoly, having played it with his parents to 'test his strategic aptitude and financial and resource management. For something as serious as this, he felt he should have been the one handling the game instead of the jumpy host of death, but he decided to put his trust in Sharina, well aware they only had one shot at winning, seeing as Sharina flunked the first time.

"She can win this," he silently prayed, hoping she didn't slip up or lose her luck.

"I admire your faith, boy," Nike said suddenly, snapping Newt's concentration off the game. "But luck is useless here."

Composing himself after the shock of her reading his mind, Newt tried a nonchalant approach. "If you're so sure."

"Hmph," the goddess scoffed. "Don't delude yourself with human faith."

"The same faith that kept you, gods, around for millennia?"

Doing her best to conceal a smirk, Nike moved her piece right into a block that was marked off as Sharina's property. "Indeed that helped us. But as of recent, we remnants haven't needed much from you mortals."

"What remnants?" Newt decided to use this opportunity to question about the survivors of the great war Zeus sacrificed himself to end. "How did you gods survive?"

"The elder gods should have told you this," Nike raised a brow. "But then again, mortal ignorance is truly fascinating."

Clenching his teeth, Newt linked his fingers. "Yes, it is."

From her shining eyes, Newt guessed she had seen her jab as a little verbal victory. Repressing a smirk of his own, Newt silently laughed at the way the gods took their titles seriously.

"While some of us didn't take sides in the war," Nike started, sliding some of the paper currency of monopoly over to Sharina, who had fixed her concentration on the game completely, oblivious to the conversation that was taking place. "Zeus instructed a few of us, his loyal attendees, to stand aside and usher the world to a peaceful age after his apparent approaching demise."

"He knew he was going to die?"

"When the war began, he first went to the Oracle of Delphi in hopes of good omens for victory over his father. The Oracle said he would succeed and banish Kronos forever, but it would come at a huge price.

"If I could remember the prophecy, I would recite it, but I cannot seem to recall the exact words. But it told him the elder gods would rise from the ashes anew, and put an end to the troublesome father."

"Troublesome father....," Newt trailed off, pondering over the few bits he could understand. "So by rising anew, the Oracle meant reincarnations?"

"Yes, you two look like spitting images of Poseidon and Hades when they were younger."

"Even if she's a girl?"

"Hades was cute that way."

Not even taking her eyes off the board, Sharina butted into their conversation. "Hades said he'd kill you if you repeated that."

Nike took the threat as a joke and guffawed, amused at the thought of battling the host of the Lord of the Underworld. Sharina on the other hand, paid her more attention, returning her attention to the game almost as immediately as she took it off.

"Anyways," Nike continued, still having brief giggling fits. "After hearing the prophecy, he said something about his past coming to haunt him."

"Did he tell you what he meant?"

"No, of course not." Nike paused to think, maybe wondering why never asked Zeus what was wrong. Then she remembered why. He would've most likely incinerated her on the spot. "But we thought it was the curse Kronos placed on him while invoking my mother's name."

Confused, Newt leaned forward. "The one where he cursed Zeus to sire a son that would usurp him? There was never an oath on the Styx involved."

"You know your stories," Nike commended. "Yes, it wasn't mentioned, but Kronos cursed Zeus and bound it with my mother. We all thought Zeus played it right and avoided a rebellion against his throne, but he just ended up postponing and worsening the curse."

"Instead of being overthrown, he had to give up the throne and chose this alternative."

"And if you three manage to defeat Kronos, you will take up the godly duties of the elder gods."

With his mouth hung open, Newt gaped at the goddess in disbelief. After being practically forced to embark on the insane journey they were chosen for, he would have to assume the godly duties of Poseidon. People would find controlling the seas fun or cool, but Newt only felt paranoia.

"Why can't they take back their thrones?"

Taking a few cards from a sweat-covered Sharina, Nike faced Newt. "Two reasons. The first being they would take way too long to reform. Even after over a thousand years, they just managed to attach mere wisps of their true power to you three. But as their hosts, you not only have the power to channel a massive amount of godly energy but wield it as well."

"Yes, I'm aware of this," Newt grumbled over having to hear a repeat of Poseidon's words. "What's the second reason?"

"They do not want to return."


"Their family was wiped out by the war and the final explosion. Neither of the three has anything to live for anymore."

"For guesses, you seem so sure of yourself," Newt pointed out, nervously rubbing his palms together.

"I'm ninety-eight percent sure because I feel the same way," she confessed, shaking her head sadly. "At times I wish I was also taken by the blast and died to be remembered a hero of Olympus and Earth."

"But Zeus."

"I swore on my mother to obey his every command and forever serve him." Tossing all her cards on the table, Nike stood up. "Now while you fulfill your promise, I must stay by his host's side."

Briefly confused, Newt glanced down at the table to find Sharina hunched over the board, her face expressing incredulity. Surprised, he looked up at the victory goddess, silently cursing Sharina.

"We've lost."