Two Doors, Nine Problems

Sharina felt stupid.

She opened her eyes and sat up straight, only to have her head slam into something hard. Yowling, she lay flat immediately, bringing a hand up to rub her forehead. After the spots had cleared, she frowned, wondering if she had lost her sense of sight after slamming her head with that much force against whatever was above her. Blinking a couple more times, she realized she was simply in utter darkness, inside what felt like a metal box. Groaning, the events that occurred before she was knocked out flooded back into her head like a raging stream.

'Finally,' Hades grumbled in her head. 'I was starting to wonder how fragile the human skull is.'

"What happened?" she moaned, wiggling uncomfortably inside what she thought to be a box.

'Janus tricked you both of course. Why do you think we called him the double-faced god?'