The Golden Titan

She had no idea how long they had been walking for, but she felt like her legs would give way underneath her any second. From their starting point to where they currently were, she reasoned they had walked well over three kilometers, but all they saw were the same old trees and a never-ending green field that seemed to stretch out infinitely.

Initially, she had requested a short break after they had walked a couple of miles, but now she pleaded with Newt to stop altogether so they could rest their legs and continue on their journey in at least two hours' time. Much to her disappointment, Newt wasn't on board. She had hoped the darkening sky would have helped make her point, but he had declined, saying they couldn't be sure how safe it was considering the fact the gods that kept order were dead and the titans had returned. He also included the fact that wasting time was shortening the time Jack had left. She had shut up after that and endured the throbbing in her legs.