
The last thing he remembered was a flying horn embedding itself in his chest. After that, his memory went blank.

He still had the amulet that had dragged him into a world he hadn't even know about. But the voice that came with it didn't respond to his calls after he awoke from his long slumber. The two that he recalled being by his side before he lost consciousness were also nowhere to be found. He awoke alone in a small, but spacious room, dressed in a hospital gown.

When he first came to be, he panicked. He thought he was dead, having been impaled somewhere around his heart. Blurry images of blood rushing down from his chest and a woman above him, trying to stop the blood flow with a piece of cloth rushed across his mind. He thought maybe it wasn't like the time he fell off the cliff. Maybe this time he was really dead and not transported to some weird world with one-eyed giants, terminator birds, and evil unicorns.