Under The Titan's Noses

Newt reopened his eyes outside, beside a collapsed Sharina, surprised Newt, and bored Nike. He stumbled slightly, catching himself on his trident before he sprawled on the ground and attracted unnecessary attention. He heard a shrill scream from inside the hospital, probably Carla after witnessing her patient vanish into thin air. It could also be someone finding out a loved one had passed on, but even in his woozy state, Newt knew the yell came from the nurse.

Nike, being the only one that had her mind straight, twisted the key in the air and pushed Sharina through immediately. Jack flinched in surprise, his eye widening as the host fell, passing through nothing and disappeared. Newt placed his hand on his shoulder and nodded, urging him forward. Jack hesitated, looking back at Newt, then turned to Nike, who just jabbed a thumb at the empty space the portal sat in.