The Titans Return

Newt never saw it coming. But looking back, he realized he should have anticipated the unfortunate outcome.

They had rested with Amalthea and the Kuretes for a few more hours, eating food the goat had sent her bodyguards to scavenge for them. Newt was glad he wasn't the poor creature to end up on the pointed half of their wooden stakes. They had found little, the blood of a disfigured creature that suspiciously looked like a lizard dangling from the stake. It hadn't stopped them from digesting the chopped-up, roasted pieces though.

After their light but satisfying meal, Nike and Bia bowed to Amalthea, thanking her for her care. The goat lowered her head, regarding the two goddesses without a word. Not bothering with the hosts, she walked off, the Kuretes in close proximity, waving their stakes at one another playfully. Newt smiled, hoping they didn't have a need to return to Mount Ida again.