Even The Strong Have Nightmares

Heracles was the annoying, self-absorbed, egocentric demigod they had said he was. And Newt was annoyed by the sight of him. He had expected more but thinking about it, thinking back at Heracles journey up to this point, he could sympathize with him a little. 

Newt spotted the similarity between the legend and Jack immediately, both sharing what Newt guessed was Zeus' hard glare and powerful aura. They had similar blue eyes, only Heracles' was filled with knowledge and pain while Jack's held determination.

As for the rest, Jack's body was nowhere near the hulking figure that stared at them menacingly from between the pillars. He looked like Superman, only larger. Where Jack had brushed back dark hair, Heracles had long, brown locks that spilled over his thick arms and stopped at his chest. His skin was harsher, having encountered all he was fabled to have battled, it didn't surprise Newt.

"Leave before I rip you to shreds."