Kratos The Historian

"So what now?"

"You're asking us? You're the one looking for Echo."

"And you agreed to help."

"Oi. She agreed to help. I'm only serving as a bodyguard or whatever."

"Oh right. We have Jason Statham as our personal bodyguard."


Newt clenched his fist in frustration. They had been standing there, staring at one another for nearly twenty minutes. He had suggested heading out to see if they could catch Echo before she got to the Garden of the Hesperides but Sharina had declined, her usual boneheadedness returning. He then turned to Kratos for support, but he also refused, claiming he couldn't leave either of them alone. The decision was all or nothing.

Of course, it could have easily been resolved if he apologized to Sharina and admitted she was right, but it was a matter of pride and he wasn't going to concede. Even if he was the one with the most tolerance in the group.

