The Lady Of The Cups

If it was really an act, then Newt deserved an Oscar for his five-star performance. But she knew, somehow, that it wasn't the case. The boy in front of her was drunk.

She hadn't expected him to have actually drunk the wine. Sharina had assumed it was a 'prop,' as he put it, and it was going to be part of his act to convince the Maenads he was really the god they sought after. Instead, Newt had downed half of the cup and was now staggering around, blubbering like a waking baby. She hoped he could keep up his act even in the state he was in.

"You are Dionysus?" the woman said, eyeing him. "Prove it."

Newt gave her a lopsided smile. "What more do I need to prove? Fetch me more wine, my followers. Let us drink till tomorrow!"