That was Newt's first thought of the Underworld as they descended the mossy, wet stairs that spiraled into the depths of hell. He had been reluctant to head down without the three gods that had been aiding them for a while now, but he knew sooner or later they'd have to face the unknown alone.
Thanatos had opened up a hole in the ground, wide enough for at least two of them to walk in side-by-side, and gone quiet. Sharina on the other hand flew into a maddened frenzy and began cursing the Steward of the Underworld. That would have been alright, but she switched up her vulgar attacks and started swearing on the Styx. It took both himself and Jack to hold her back and calm her down before she linked with Hades and tossed Thanatos into Tartarus.
"It's a bloody trial, Sharina!" Jack held her by her right arm, dragging her away from the hole below "Calm down!"