Chapter 11: Isabelle and Lily

Isabelle's POV

Two hours before these events...

"Hey Isabelle!" A girl shouted at me, wearing a casual outfit with a bag strapped onto her shoulder. She wore a white striped long sleeved shirt that was tucked underneath her tight black pants. This showed her perky bottom and her ample breasts, which gave her curves much better than her peers that would definitely grow when she becomes an adult.

This girl's name is Lily, and she is my best friend. She has long black hair that is usually tousled because of her naturally lazy character, and how she doesn't care about how she looks. But even with her unbrushed hair, and her face missing any sort of makeup or other kind of beauty product, she was still very beautiful.

When compared to her, we were about the same. I also had a pretty face with blonde hair and curves that are much better than girls my age, except if I wanted to make myself look good I wouldn't hesitate to put on makeup.

However, she had a chill character that would prefer to stay home, while I loved playing sports and adventuring.

"Hey Lily!" I greeted her enthusiastically, as I grabbed the bag off of her shoulder and placed it onto the blanket I was sitting on.

She also took a seat on the blanket, and we made idle talk while I opened up the bag and started bringing out the food that she prepared from home. She was a good cook which gave her the job of chef for our picnics, while I couldn't cook at all so I brought the drinks and a blanket to lay on.

We chatted while we ate off of our plates, but when a few minutes passed two boys started walking to the courts.

Lily inspected the two boys and her expression turned into surprise.

"Isn't that Bruce and Isaiah?" Lily said in an excited tone. She was about to get up from the blanket to go and greet them, but I hurriedly pulled her down.

Lily looked at me weirdly and said, "Is something wrong?"

I had a guilt expression and I felt a bit reluctant to tell her what happened, but eventually I did.

"When Bruce and I were together, I felt the most happiest I had ever been in my life. But when I took a trip to Canada and was at the airport, another boy started hitting on me. I told him I had a boyfriend and walked away, but he pulled me from behind and tried to kiss me!

I grabbed his cheek with my chin and pushed him away, and Bruce suddenly walked in because he wanted to surprise me. But from his view it looked like me and the man had just finished a kiss because his head was pulled away and his lips were puckered, while my hand was on his cheek and I was pushing him away!

When I noticed Bruce I tried to explain, but he ran away and ignored me! After that I kept trying to contact Bruce, but he blocked me from his social media and his contact list and whenever I tried to approach him he would run away!

Eventually I tried to get to him through Isaiah and Dillon, but before I could even talk they glared at me and told me to stop talking to them!"

After my rant, Lily had an extremely surprised face. I had never told her about this, and because of school Lily hadn't been talking to the boys that much, especially so since they never contacted her.

"Why did you stop trying? I'm sure eventually they would have heard you out." Lily asked me in confusion.

"I stopped trying because Bruce and the other boys went to another school and isolated themselves from me, and whenever I tried to talk to Dillon and Isaiah they wouldn't let me speak and when I tried to talk to Bruce he would run away." I answered her.

Lily had a conflicted face because of the information I had just told her, but then she said this.

"Why not go to their school? This year is ending, and our school is shutting down. We would need to go to a new school anyway, and when we go to school I can help you explain!"

I thought about the suggestion and was shocked I had never thought of bringing outside help. I facepalmed myself, and my eyes started to water as I nodded in confirmation to her idea.

"Oh, come here you. When we clear this up, I will make those idiots pay!" Lily said as she tried to console me. She wrapped me in a hug, but now I cried even harder because I felt safe.

She kept consoling me about how me and Bruce would get back together soon, trying to make me laugh, and offering me more food, and eventually I stopped crying but I still laid down in her lap.

As the conversation had already steered in that direction, we started talking about the boys.

"What do you think about Dillon?" I asked Lily.

"Hm...I think he has trust issues and he never opens himself up a lot, but I don't know why. He told me about his past, but he also said that he had some kind of memory problems because he couldn't remember anything before elementary school."

"Wait, do you think he might have some sort of mental trauma? I heard that if your mental trauma is severe, your brain will make you lose your memory!"

"That is true...but what would that even be? I'm sure his parents would have told us something about it, after all."

"What if they are keeping it a secret because they are hissing something?"

"Do you think they are aliens or something Isabelle? It's not a government conspiracy you crazy chick!"

We laughed, but we kept talking about him.

"What else do you think about him?"

"Well, when you get past his cold shell he is very caring and funny. But sometimes he can be a bit too rude, crossing the line when teasing people. He always realizes he crossed the line and apologizes, but it still hurts a bit…"

"That's true. He does tease people a lot, and sometimes it really hurts. But I swear, he can read people like a book! Whenever he goes too far in teasing and hurts somebody's feelings, I swear he always notices it! He's like a detective!"

"Your right! One time when the five of us were walking through the grocery store, he suddenly started beating up a group of boys. We ran away and when we asked him what that was all about, he said that one of them had a knife in his pocket and they were looking at us with bad intentions. He's like Sherlock Holmes!"

"Haha! So, do you like him?"

Lily blushed, and said, "Of course not! He's just a friend!"

"You're blushing!" I teased her.

"Of course I'm blushing you dumby, your teasing me!" She shot back.

Well, that is true.

She had an embarrassed expression as she said, "Well...although I think of Dillon as a friend, I think...Isaiah is kind of cool."

Her voice got a bit quiet at the end of her sentence, and her cheeks got as red as tomatoes. I was shocked, she liked Isaiah? In elementary school she was always clinging to Dillon and they had a sibling type of relationship, and I always assumed they had feelings for each other!

"Really? What do you like about him?"

"Umm…he is very funny and always makes me laugh, but he is also lazy and likes staying home like me. We always like to just lay down and chills together, but I think I started liking him after he helped me from those bullies…"

"Eh? Bullies?"

"Yeah, it's similar to your story with Bruce. I was walking to school when a group of girls and boys started making fun of me, but Isaiah came out of nowhere and started beating the boys up. Although he didn't win the fight and he had to carry me and run away, I felt so safe in his arms…"

I could tell she was speaking truthfully because of the red tint on her cheeks, and I was surprised at how similar it was to my situation. At the time I didn't even know the boys, and I was a little girl being bullied for my short height.

When Bruce, a boy extremely big for his age who practically towered over me came over I felt terrified. But he didn't bully me, instead he beat up those bullies and carried me to the medical room. I remember hugging him, and his big body made me feel warm and safe. After that I grew feelings for him and we hung out together everyday, he introduced me to Isaiah and Dillon and I found my friend Lily, and we became a happy friend group.

Those were probably the best days of my life. To think just one misunderstanding caused it all to come crashing down…

My sullen mood turned happy when I thought about clearing the misunderstanding with Lily's help, and we kept talking while commenting on Isaiah and Bruce playing basketball when we spotted Dillon come through the fence.

My eyebrows went up in shock when I saw Dillon. In elementary he was a short kid who had a big belly, and we would often use his belly as a pillow because of how he was the big brother in our friend group.

But now he was almost 5'10, and Isaiah who had always been the tallest kid in our grade who was 5'11 would probably be passed by him soon! His belly also shrunk, and instead of being akin to a beer belly it was just slightly over his waistline. It seemed all of his weight went into his frame, because he had a big shoulders that accompanied his big frame.

When I saw his unkempt facial hair and the same lazy amateurly done buzz cut on his head, I sighed. He had never taken importance to making himself look good, but instead of being a natural beauty like Lily and I he just had an uncared for appearance.

"Oh my god, is that really Dillon?" Lily said in shock.

He took out his phone and started doing something, and eventually he started walking to the court. He looked around the field and when his gaze was about to meet us we put our faces to the blanket and hid ourselves, and luckily he either didn't see us or didn't care as he started walking to the court.

When he got there they all greeted him, and they started playing sports again. Dillon had always been the most athletic out of the boys, having the uncanny physical talent to be built like a tank yet run as fast as a car. This gave him an advantage in almost every sport.

(Think DK Metcalf, but fat instead of muscular.)

This was visible when seeing how although he didn't play basketball he could still rival Isaiah, and he beat Bruce and Isaiah easily in one on ones in football. Eventually Bruce and Isaiah got tired of him winning all the time, and he became the QB who threw the ball to them.

They kept playing for an hour, and we just watched them as we talked to each other, but suddenly a group of five boys entered the park and started walking to the court.

"Aren't they the bullies from our school?" Lily said to me.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure they are."

"I hope the boys don't get hurt...I heard that one of them is a black belt martial artist." Lily said worriedly.

I had also heard of that, and I even heard that the four other boys had managed to get the martial artists on their side because he was always alone at school and they offered him friendship.

I could tell Bruce and Isaiah were ignorant of the boys walking towards them while Dillon was already aware, and when the group of boys entered the court Dillon was the first to confront them.

They engaged in idle chatter that I couldn't hear, when suddenly Dillon handed the basketball to them. The fat kid walked up to take the ball, but I knew Dillon's pride wouldn't allow him to be humiliated like that.

As I expected, Dillon threw the basketball at his crotch and knocked the fat boy out in two punches. Two athletic boys teamed up on Dillon while Isaiah and Bruce were fighting against the skinny kids.

Bruce and Isaiah tried their best and were obviously winning their fight as the skinny kids were being used as punching bags, but for some reason they didn't fall. Even with the two boys pummeling them, it was as if they were born to be punched.

When Dillon and the martial artist got into a fight I was a bit nervous, and at one point it seemed the martial artist had the advantage and was going to win but Dillon wrestled him to the ground, and after a few seconds when I worried Dillon would kill the martial artist he let the martial artist go.

The two skinny boys immediately stopped fighting when they saw the martial artist lose, and they picked up the two unconscious boys on the ground before leaving.

"Wow, that was awesome!" I said aloud in excitement.

"I know right! Did you see Dillon knockout those two kids so quickly! He even beat the martial artist! Does that mean he's stronger than a black belt?" Lily said.

But our excitement was interrupted when the three boys started crying loudly, and they even started hugging each other. I was so shocked at the sudden change of events, and the pure emotion they were releasing made me want to cry as well, but soon after they returned to normal and started going home.

But suddenly Dillon turned to us and we didn't react in time. When he saw my face his apathetic and bored eyes, much different than the cold eyes he had in elementary school, turned into pure hatred and malice. I gulped my saliva nervously that he would come and teach me a lesson, but when his gaze turned to Lily his gaze softened. Scoffing, he walked off of the field.