Potatoes spread into the market and quickly became so popular that people were able to buy them all. Cheap, delicious, and can be used in various dishes, boiled, fried, grilled, and grilled. And some restaurants have already started serving potatoes.

Many families who heard it about the potatoes started entering the market to buy potatoes to cook. It creates much novelty for people.

"What is this, so beautiful?"

The taste of potatoes has been engrossed in the minds of everyone who tries it.

"So delicious, so sweet." This exotic flavor quickly became popular in the capital.

Even Zhao Ling Xin ordered the royal kitchen to cook potatoes for him.

"What a nostalgic taste," Zhao Lingxin recalled the past. It's been 16 years since he hadn't eaten potatoes and almost forgot about the flavor. An unforgettable taste popped up in Zhao Lingxin's mouth again.