99 Chaos in the capital

  Zhao Lingxin brought the car out for a test drive. He couldn't wait to get a test drive in this Yan Huang world.

  Zhao Lingxin drove the Model A car out of the Secret Research Institute. Quickly directed to the road, He goes only 60 kilometers per hour. Could not see the sight from the Royal Guards who were chasing behind the carriage

  "Your Majesty, please wait for us," the Royal Guard shouted from behind. However, not in time, Zhao Lingxin's car went straight as far as he could see. They couldn't keep the emperor safe. Counted as defective on duty, They almost wanted to cut their heart to pay for this mistake.

  "We cannot protect His Majesty. It is a very great offense." The Royal Guards looked deadly, wanting that they were unable to perform their duties perfectly.