148 A day in winter

At the palace, Zhao Lingxin and the Cabinet had lunch. Although the outside is covered with cold air and heavy snow. However, inside the palace was warm as spring due to the air conditioners installed in the palace.

Today's lunch was not that extravagant or unique. It's just ordinary stir-fry vegetables. However, the Cabinet is very fond of this meal.

"Fresh vegetables in winter are wonderful."

Crispy fresh vegetables spread throughout the mouth. Give freshness to everyone. In the cold weather, this is what everyone wishes. Even if it's just regular bean sprouts that are cheap, but winter comes, bean sprouts' price will triple. With the Ministry of Agriculture's hard work, continuous public relations, and a policy to promote cultivation.

As a result, most farmers this year started investing in greenhouse vegetables. Resulting in fresh winter vegetables exported to markets in Shenzhou, allowing everyone to taste fresh vegetables in the winter.