153 An invader

        Zhao Lingxin was quickly brought to the underground shelter from the black-clothed Royal Guards. This is the second time Zhao Lingxin has been brought to this place. The first time was in the year that the Martial Artists had air raids on the capital of Shenzhou.

The Royal Guard took Zhao Lingxin and the Eight Princess Zhao Min. Come to the underground bunker with the highest security enhancements. It has the capacity to protect against nuclear bombs.

The bunker has concrete walls over three meters thick. It is filled with premium dense metal for maximum protection, with more than six months of subsistence and a satellite communication system That could easily command across the empire.

Throughout the empire, there were many such shelters throughout the country. For the safety of Zhao Lingxin, All locations are kept private. Even Zhao Ling Xin did not know the exact number of shelters.