231 Last Preparation

        The Six Security Council stationed at the Pentagonal headquarters building, The city of Shenzhou, stayed for all twenty-four hours. Zhao Lingxin also lived in this place, not going anywhere to follow the movement of the demon horde.

In the command room, aside from the Security Council, dozens of other military personnel coordinated throughout the empire. Issue centralized orders for locals to follow.

In the office, a large screen image is installed. Keep an eye on the situation with satellite images. Which shows many red dots are occupying the western and northern regions. Over forty percent of Datang County was already under the control of the Demons. For the Southern protectorate state, Dajin lost more than thirty percent of its administrative area.

Every minute the screen image changes. There will be a small part of the empire. Turning red meant that this area was no longer under Zhao Lingxin's rule.