246 Sea of the S​tars

        The sky would be a mystery. Even if the Empire had vehicles like planes, But most citizens were still unfamiliar with the feeling of flying up to the sky.

Not to mention anything higher than that, above the sky, entering a vast expanse of space.

Zhao Lingxin pointed to the sky and said a shocking sentence. Said to bring everyone to the sea of ​​stars Which caused the council members and capitalists to panic and speechless.

"Sea of ​​stars?" Everyone in Parliament imagines the stars floating in the sky. One day all the people will free human beings from the great continent.

To settle on the stars.

The story of the dark space is not a secret. Instead, it is something that is taught widely in schools. They may not have trusted these stories many years ago. But as the years passed, the people of the Empire had significantly adapted. The story of science, even adults, are aware of the miracle.