259 Fire King back again

"Take your contract." After Yue Ning Xiao decided to buy it, she acted quickly and gave Zhao Lingxin millions of spirit stones.

Numerous spirit stones poured out from the spatial ring. Spread to the floor of the room until it was completely packed. The maids and eunuchs hurriedly came to check the counts.

Zhao Lingxin, who saw many spirit stones, handed over title deeds on the Sky City Tai yangzhou to each other.

The document is just a regular piece of paper. Before going up to Tai Yang Zhou, probably many more years later, this transaction, Zhao Lingxin earned a hundred times more profit.

Qin Bo acted as a butler serving drinks to Zhao Lingxin.

"We have completed a big transaction. Lady Yue, do you want a drink?" Zhao Lingxin asked.

Traditionally, after a large transaction, a ceremonial drink is required.

"I would like a black drink called soft drink," said Yue Ningxiao.