261 The lab rat

"Huh, where is this place?" Fire King Xiao Murong opened his eyes, saw the white ceiling with light bulbs emitting a harsh light that had to narrow his gaze slightly. When the environment can be adjusted, the Fire King also found that his body could not move; only his head remained free.

The Fire King's body was lying on the bed at a sixty-degree angle. Making him see the general state of the place where he woke up

The last memory of the Fire King was the use of his Blood Core Burning Technique. To survive a nuclear bomb. Then, when he woke up, he found that he was already in this place.

The walls around the room were all white and many accessories he didn't know about. And most importantly, in this room, he is not alone. There were many people dressed in white, carrying documents around him.

"Hey, you guys are so daring to hold me like this. Hurry to let me go," Fire King cried out, anxious.