288 The Moon Conclusion

        When he was seeing everyone's wary eyes, however, Zhao Lingxin also smiled in satisfaction.

"Why do we have to let her speak for such a long time? Just doing it from the beginning is already fruitful." Zhao Ling Xinxin had watched a lot of movies. The villains in the film that start often lose half an hour of fighting for speech. But Zhao Lingxin did not hesitate and immediately rushed into action. So we are snatching a quick change without waiting for the other party to catch up.

As expected, even the cursed woman had never imagined that. Would anyone dare to disrespect her like this before? To the point of being cautious, coupled with a weak body after being sealed for a long time was eventually taken into custody as a prisoner of the Empire.

All these plans did not come from Zhao Lingxin's thoughts alone. Zhao Lingxin's confidence in raising the other party. Indeed, he have some information in hand, well prepared.