297 Chaos in the Demon Realm

        He saw that Zhao Lingxin had the idea of ​​lending a hand to help the demon clan.

Colonel Liao Hong could only quietly concede did not oppose Zhao Lingxin's decision.

The matter of the Demon Realm was too big. Full of sensitive issues, Zhao Lingxin was unable to make decisions on his own. He followed up with the Security Council, General Guo Ling, and Defense Minister Colonel Ma Chun. Let's listen and help make decisions about this matter at this time.

When the quorum was complete, Zhao Lingxin then let old man Tao Sun Guixian take the cat.

Tell him the actual situation in the Demon Realm.

"After the Golden Dragon King declared war against the Empire. Now, everywhere in the Demon Realm has completely changed. until we can hardly survive any longer."

Tao Sun Guixian told Zhao Lingxin about the despair in the Demon Realm.