318 The Operation interruption

A phone call came to Zhao Lingxin at a crucial moment. Zhao Lingxin took out his smartphone and saw that he was an acquaintance, the goddess Yue Ningxiao.

"Yue Ningxiao, what do you want?" Zhao Lingxin answered the call.

"Is the Empire testing weapons of mass destruction?" This question of Yue Ningxiao revealed the secret of weapon testing.

"I really cannot hide the eyes of the Guardians and the Divine Temple." Zhao Lingxin admitted frankly. The only people who could observe behind these stories were the Guardians.

"Zhao Lingxin, do you still remember the Curse Woman?" Yue Ningxiao asked.

"Of course I will remember." Zhao Lingxin could never forget the cursed woman who was sealed on the moon.

Previously, after the Cursed Woman had awakened, Zhao Lingxin had used the scientific process to seal and freeze in extreme freezing temperatures. Sealing off atomic movements from emitting energy, the Evil Demon Curse Woman was sealed forever.