324 Banquet in the hotel

A month later, after Zhao Lingxin and the government had activated the Heavenly Sky Mech Ultimate magic, Tiancheng. The people of the capital have experienced a noticeable improvement in the air and their health.

Zhao Lingxin had brought the technology to the capitalists to start applying it to the heavy industrial system. Such as helping in smelting, improving feedstock for better quality.

In addition, the government has also upgraded the capital's security measures in a big way. The security system has been improved by using a mechanized system to create a strong defense against nuclear attacks. Furthermore, to ensure that this Shenzhou Capital was strong and safe from the attacks of divine Martial Artists.

Both the protection system and the quality of life of the people have been greatly upgraded. Adding an unfathomable charm to this capital city of Shenzhou.

At the Wang Zhi Jiutan Hotel. An upscale place where wealthy people meet and socialize here.