329 Secret Unit

        The situation of the imperial political conflict eventually escalated to a decisive stage at any time. The imperial Parliament clearly expressed a desire to consolidate power in the Parliament once again.

Zhao Lingxin received this news and had to return to Earth. After doing personal errands on the moon, Yue Ningxiao also came to the Empire. The first glance that the spacecraft entered the capital region. Yue Ningxiao had to say it in surprise.

"Why do I feel that the Eastern Territory has a dense sky and earth energy that is not at all lower than the middle of the Great Continent?" Yue Ningxiao quickly sensed this change. So he turned to Zhao Lingxin for an answer.

Zhao Lingxin slightly shrugged, avoiding answering for this secret to Yue Ningxiao.

"This is a little secret of the Empire." Zhao Lingxin did not reveal the existence of the Heavenly Sky Mesh magic because such a thing might cause a panic in the Martial Artists all over the place.