340 After that...

        Since the sabotage of the capital, The process of seizing the power of the Revolutionary Council until Judgment Day, All of this happened in less than two hours. Still, it was also the most prominent political crisis since Zhao Lingxin reigned for many years.

The Revolutionary Party failed to seize power and destroy all of the capital of the empire. And today, everyone in the kingdom has seen a mighty force. Rule them with fear. And must pay back with their own lives, Not even a group of capitalists who conspired to join the cause.

A bullet will kill anyone who opposes Zhao Lingxin, and it was sent down from the sky.

The capital city of Shenzhou was in sanguinary blood and gory again.

It was just like four years ago when Zhao Lingxin had utterly wiped out the nobles. But this time, there were a lot more deaths. However, conditions are not much different. Characters from the nobles back then, this time it have transformed into famous capitalists.