344 The Wedding's Day

The Guardian stepped down first from the carriage. Such high-level beings are well known. The people who participated in the event bowed their respects to the Guardian. Even Godmasters had to lower their head slightly, showing the supreme supremacy in the world recognized throughout the land.

It is broadcast live around the world. The Martial Artists who watched the scene and saw the Guardian walked out.

"That's the guardian." Millions of Martial Artists watched the live broadcast. They bowed humbly to pay their respects to the world's highest self. As soon as the Guardian appeared, the surrounding sounds quickly calmed down.

At that moment, Divine Goddess Yue Ningxiao appeared and stepped down from the carriage. This time, the goddess was wearing a western-style white wedding dress, matching Zhao Lingxin. Revealing her beautiful face. Just such a face was enough to make many men take a big breath; their breath sped up, their faces unknowingly hot.