354 Power of Darkness

        A weeping sound covered the entire Peach Blossom Mountains. Many of the Divine Temple disciples were crying out for the sudden departure of the Guardian. Everyone is doing something wrong.

For over five thousand years, they have been accustomed to protecting the world of the Guardians.

The Yanhuang Great Continent, the Pillar that held this land, was extinguished, returning the spirit to the Elemental World. Many people began to worry about unpredictable situations.

Zhao Lingxin watched as the Guardian's body spread into a cluster of light. Dissolved in the air, Zhao Lingxin knelt on the ground before paying his last respects to the Guardian for one last time.

"Disciple, I am bidding farewell to Master." Zhao Lingxin gave the highest respect. Then he rose quickly before picking up the communication device.

"Everyone, we must hurry back to the Empire right now." Zhao Lingxin signaled back to the floating aircraft carrier stationed outside.