386 Dark Dimension Realm

        The planet where the Yanhuang Supercontinent is located was called after the name of the great continent. Hence it is called the Yanhuang Planet. with one moon as a satellite.

The National Space Agency has conducted a detailed survey of deep space. They found that in this planetary system, There are seven planets together. So they combined them with the center sun.

They named this planetary system the Da Zhou star system. in honor of the Empire and the Emperor.

At the same time, the world was in serious turmoil.

From the detected city of the Sky, Tai Yang Zhou, Along with expert astronomers, some anomalies are at the edge of the planetary system.

The edge of the Da Zhou star system is eight billion kilometers away. So far from the last planet, there appeared a black hole before some object emerged from the black hole.

Astronomers working on Tai Yang Zhou see abnormal phenomena.

  Instantly take action.