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Is That A Cat Or A Dog?

Jun was halfway home and something white and gold ran down the alleyway in front of him. Normally he would ignore it but today was so boring Jun couldn't contain his curiosity. Jun thought *Maybe its a cat or a small cute dog I could take care of and have as a pet.Jun never really had pets as a kid so when he saw any he would get so excited to try and keep it as a pet but his parents always said not to approach or try to pet a street animal because they are feral and would eat him up.As a kid that gave him nightmares of dogs and cats with long fangs with sharp nails trying to tear him apart.He use to wake up in a cold sweet and his heart would race.He got help for his frears with animal therapy,so it doesn't scare him anymore.Jun loves animals more now that he's older an understands that they won't try to eat him.He stopped at the alleyway the little animal ran down.Jun was filled with determination to find and feed it an keep a pet.He walked down the alleyway and didn't see any trace of fur or foot prints in the dirty ground littered with trash cans spilling over being to full to keep all items inside.Jun winced at the awful smell.Then turned to leave and a small Whine got his attention.Jun saw a small tail behind the trash cans.He looked over and it was a white dog no a cat he couldn't tell the animal had a golden bell around it's neck.Jun looked over the animal to see what it was whining about.His eyes saw a large old fashioned rat trap clamped down on the crying animals right paw.Jun knew from learning in class about animals fear behavior to snap at any threat to protect themselves from harm.He cautiously approached the animal.It turned it's head to him bering it's small but sharp teeth.Jun backed up out of reflex.He collected himself and thought how he could help it. Jun's mind thought of a great plan that would free the animal and make it so he could pick it up and take it to a vet.He walked over to the small animal with his jacket open to put over it's head to calm it. Jun's knowledge from class was pouring in his mind. He got closer as he did the small animal growled hearing this he had to fight running away. Jun's not really a fighter. But today he was ready to not go home empty handed Jun's jacket was now right over the animals head casting a shadow over it.The small animal bit at the space between them. Jun placed his jacket on the animal when doing so it began throwing it's head around to try to find an exit to the large cloth over it. But soon the animal started relaxing to the dark safe den like feeling of the jacket. Jun waited until it looked like the animal relaxed.He reached over to wrap it up in the jacket and gently remove the trap once the animal was safely retrained by the jacket wrapped around it's body. Jun grabbed the jacket and as quick as he could wrapped up the animal.It couldn't react fast enough to attack before being lifted.The animal froze freaking out at the sudden height from the ground.In that moment Jun reached for the right paw trapped in the rat trap.He turned the animal toward him a reached with a shaky hand to remove it. Once he had a hold he released the lever and with a click it opened.The sound caused the animal to stop being frozen and go back to fighting for what it thought was a predator trying to eat them. Struggling in his arms to free themselves. Jun reached around his hand to drop the trap away from the animals paw and at the moment the animal spun it head around to meet his left hand that he was holding the trap. Jun let out a loud "Owwww"!! as the animals teeth found the skin on his hand and clamped down on the middle of were his thumb and index meet.The animal ripped at the flesh and Jun's hand was by now bleeding out the litte teeth marks while he was in pain the animal released his hand causing him to drop it on the ground to grab his left with the right hand.The animal landed on the jacket with a *poof* sound as the padded jackets sides gave in to it's weight with a release of air.The animal limped away quickly as Jun was to busy trying to stop the bleeding from the bite marks on his left hand.He got up after awhile and grab his jacket with a winch of pain in his hand to put it on. He looked around but the strange animal was gone so he just thought it went home. Jun remembered the golden bell on the collar and assumed it had a owner. Jun then walked home.