Ch 6 – We went camping? Inside of course.

Yea, thinking of something, nice catch you imbecile! Oh, I need somewhere to take her... I had like 14 EP left. Let's check if I can make a camp as a guise.

Open Building Menu with a Camping Filter. Never tried this but since it's a system, filters must work right?

< Dungeon Building >

< >

< Camping Accessories >

< Clear Filters >

Oh nice... wait what the fuck is that on the map?

Huh, I got another goblin... They must respawn...

Shit, I need to make a safe place for her to be in...

Open Dungeon Building at Dungeon Areas.

< Dungeon Building >

< >

< Dungeon Management >

< Dungeon Expansion >

< Dungeon Assignment >

< Dungeon Placement >

< Others >

Do I really need to use this menu like this? It gets tiring real fast...

<< Since its though processed you just need to think what you want, it will show you the page and price and you can then confirm. There's no need to go through the menu itself, that is only to make things easier when you have no assistant. >>

Oh, so you are useful.


Broke her business tone. Now I'll have someone to talk to properly if this girl goes away...

Make the area after the next turn a Safe Zone.

Then make the zoning smaller, a 2m circle should suffice. Put it near the corner close to a wall.


Oh nice, it shows up in the map in a different color. Ok, now let's put some stuff in it, shall we? How much is it for a small fireplace with a stone circle?

< The Small Firepit costs 1EP, Wood is replenished after 8h manually or if no invaders are present in the area.>

Put one down near the end of the area towards the cave.

< Small Firepit acquired and used >

Oh, also give me a pot with stand to go over the fireplace for food and cooking utensils. While at it get me a simple camping tent. Put the pot over the firepit and the utensils in a small canvas bag close enough. Put the tent in the opposite side of the circle near the wall with the entrance pointing to the fire.

< Camping Utensils 3EP - Includes 1 small cast iron skillet, 1 large knife, 1 skinning knife, 1 long iron rod, 1 wooden mallet and 1 flint and metal starter.>

< Individual Camping Tent 1EP - Only the tent and wooden stakes. >

< Iron Cooking Pot 3EP - with lid and wooden crane >

< Small canvas bag is already included as part of the camping utensils. >

Yeah, just do it.

"Come with me, I have a fireplace deeper inside." I reached my hand out to for the invader girl in front of me.

"Hm? Ah, yeah, thank you." She blushed from head to toe as she reached for my hand... Oh, yeah, this is another world, maybe people are not as kind here... meh, what's done is done.

'Why is he treating me like this, does he know who I am?' The thought floated in Mihara's head. But she couldn't resist being treated so nicely after the rough weeks she'd gone through.

I take her by the hand deeper into the cave with a smile on my face. Having her here means more EP, which makes me stronger and makes it harder for me to die.

Hey Gloria, you said something about Spirit Magic before, right? Does that mean there's actual magic in this world? Like, throwing fireballs off of wands magic?

<< Geez, ask your other woman that you seem to be so keen of... But yeah, there's magic here. Spirit Magic is a rare attribute, the most common ones are Fire, Water, Air and Earth, but there are many attributes and even Non-attribute magic. >>

Hmmm... Since I have mana it must mean I can use magic... Need to figure out how to learn it though.

"Hey, H..." Shit, I haven't asked her name yet... That was close. "Err... What's your name?" As I ask, I look back towards her

'I was right! He must have recognized me! Oh my god, what do I do... If he sends me back to my uncle, he'll kill me for sure...'

"Ah... it's... Mihara... Kaimondake no Mihara..."

Her name sounds Japanese... she doesn't look like it though... her eyes are very pretty and round... she looks rather French to me... welp, nothing I can do...

"Should I call you your name or family name?"

"You can call me Mihara if you want..." As she said this, she blushed again from head to toes and looked downward...

Does she like me? What the heck, I wasn't this successful with women before... Must have something to do with the God's thing. There're more pressing matters to be discussed.

"Mihara, can you use any magic?" My question woke her up from her thoughts and she looked back at me.

"Eh, why do you ask? Oh, sorry, yeah, I can, but I don't have much mana left..."

"Nothing much really, just wondering... You are very dirty..."

"Uh..." Hew mood immediately turned gloomy...

"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean it like that, it's just that I haven't learn any magic yet and there's no water in this cave as far as I know..."

<< You really have no tact to deal with women, haven't you? >>

"No... it's ok... I really do look like a beggar... I am homeless now so there's that..."

Now that she mentioned... that's actually true... She was wearing pretty jagged up clothes. they were brown in color but still they were torn in some places and everything looked disgraceful. I'll try and get her something better later.

"Sorry... I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything... Oh, hey, we arrived. You can sit near the pit, I'm gonna light it up." I let go of her hand as soon as we reached the Safe Zone. I was going to light up the fire, but I was pretty curious so first I went to check the tent... It looked pretty decent and was covered by a canvas-like dark fabric... It actually looked a lot like finely threaded hemp fibers. As I pulled the curtain like door sideways, I realized, crap, the tent has no mattress whatsoever and the floor was only covered by the very fabric that made it up... Beneath it was the cave stone floor so it would be awful...

System get me a small camping mattress for the tent. Nothing too over the top.

That's not ideal but it's better than searching for another one, I'm in a hurry, do it, but make the exterior of it match the material of the tent.

A small camping mattress was now spread on the floor of the tent... now it must be at least somewhat decent.

As I came back towards the firepit I grabbed the flint in the bag to light the fire up. The firepit already had the wood and some kind of dead straw as a starter so lighting the fire up was easy enough and only took me some seconds.

"Thank you..." She said sheepishly

"Don't worry, it's fine. Heat yourself up and rest a bit. I still have some stuff to do before going to bed."

"Ah... Okay." A discrete smile was clear on her face despite the hood covering most of it.

"Do you mind taking off the hood? It feels a little weird."

'I can't refuse it right? like, he is helping me a lot and asking nothing from me... At least for now, that is...


"Where the fuck did that bitch go?" Screamed a man in heavy armor.

His armor was scratched and scraped in various places; this was proof this man had gone through many battles. Johann was known throughout the whole continent as one of the fiercest mercenaries there is. However there had been no wars for the last couple of years, and although there were some minor skirmishes here and there, he needed the money quite badly since he spent his earning and savings from the last major war he partook in with booze and whores over these years. Both good alcohol and good women can only be gotten as a gift or paid for with lots of money, and that he, like every man in the continent, knew very well.

"Boss! We found a trail through the forest, it seems like someone went though it recently, it might have been her!" Replied from afar a mercenary.

Neither of them nor the men in the group liked the idea of having become slave traders... but tough times required tough measures. And the money the new Kaimon Emperor offered them for getting rid of the former imperial court was very significant, and the money they'd get from selling the female servants and the former princess would fix their financial issues for another couple of years, and hopefully give them enough time until the next war began.

"Send half of the man after her, I'll with half the remaining men go as soon as I finish dealing with this one who helped her escape." A wicked smile that disgusted even his own men formed on the man's face.

And with these words his focus returned to the task at hand. Looking down at the girl laying naked on the ground, full of bruises and whip marks, whom he was stepping on the head while giving his orders. Behind him, a horse-drawn carriage with a metal cage as cargo. In the cage, 4 more female prisoners who had watched in horror as he immolated the other girl now froze in preparation for what awaited the poor soul.