Ch 8 – First Expansion and a jealous assistant

Gloria stopped what she was doing for a second, but after his reply she felt very hot. Her body was on fire. He had heard her... He knew how her moaning sounded...

'What will he even think of me...? Will he think I'm a nasty woman? Ah... he is my first though, and sis said he'd probably live forever. I want him so bad...'

She continued to please herself, now with her mic muted, until she came a few minutes later.


How much EP do I have?

< The Dungeon currently has 75 available EP. >

Oh, wow, that's better than I expected... Gloria, are you done?

<< Yes... Ah... I am... >>

From your panting I'm guessing it felt quite good... Can you give me a detailed info where the EP came from exactly?

<< Sure...>> She must be blushing real bad now... Crap... I'll have jack one off after this, my dick is hard af...

Oh, sorry Gloria, you can hear my thoughts, right?

<< Yeah... I don't really mind though... >>

<< The thing you asked... You got 50EP from the sexual activities inside the dungeon. 10 more from Her, the rest from me... But the points from me are divided in 2 categories, 30 are from the activities, the rest are... WHAT????>>

What is it...?

<< I can't tell you that... It's... >>

Say it already!

<< Okey... it's from... "Nourishing feelings of love towards the Dungeon, it's master or it's monsters". >>

Oh, you are very sweet, aren't you?

<< S-SHUT UP!!! It's not like I love you or anything it's just that I'm... SHUT UUUUUUP!!!!! >>

Anyhow... I can finally use this to make the dungeon a little safer...

How much does it cost to make another room this big, before this one?

< Adding a small sized room costs 10 EP >

Oh nice, then add 2 of them before this one and connect them with corridors that look like the cave before.

< The requested changes will cost 22 EP >

Do it.

A Loud rumbling sound began, and the floor began to tremble. I felt like an earthquake was taking place, the map promptly updated, showing two more rooms between here and the Safe Zone.

Hope it didn't wake her up... Oh, yeah, right. Give me something plain to cover her up, like a long t-shirt. a full cotton one my size should do, ah, put in some lingerie as well, a dark purple pair should be a good fit for her.

< Blank Masculine T-Shirt (White - M) 2EP - 100% Cotton >

< Purple laced lingerie set 5EP - 97% Cotton >

That sounds right. hold on to it until I'm leaving to get her.

< Acknowledged >

<< Why are you giving this stuff to that girl? Do you like her or what? You could be using this to make the dungeon stronger! >>

I know that, but I want her to at least have something to dress you know... Not that I'd mind her being naked around me.

<< Say no more! Give her the clothes! >>

At least you're easy to deal with. Now, what do I do? I can have some monsters but I'm they'll be weak... Does the menu have a list of stuff I can put down like monsters, etc.?

<< Yes, it does but why? >>

Well, this is my dungeon isn't it... I need to know what I can put in here and what theme I'll go for.

<< Sure thing then...>>

It took me hours to get a hang of the stuff in there... Not only where there thousands of different kinds of monsters, there were both active and passive ones, when you got to a monster type, say Goblins, there was a Hierarchy, and specializations for them. Each monster has its own thing and there are millions of possibilities! Besides, there are Spawners, those are very expensive, and their monsters don't level up like individually spawned ones do, however it's a one-time cost and an X amount of monsters will respawn in the region you point. Also, if they last long enough, they might also procreate, making more monsters which will have the same benefits of individually spawned ones... I could make a whole floor full of goblins and have them make a full-blown society! That'd be fun. I'd still have to figure out how to get more females since the birth-rate of those is pretty low... Well, that's a thought for later, it's about time I wake Mihara up. I still need to check a lot of stuff about the Traps and rewards system... but hey, at least now I know how to properly set the rooms and stuff up and what kind of monsters I can have... My focus was on cheap monsters though, gotta study a lot more to get to understand the legendary crap. Also, it seems like making the dungeon profitable for adventurers in general by adding easy to farm monsters and minerals in the first floors makes it harder for them to kill me... I'mma take that safety any time.

I wonder whether I can go for a walk outside of this though... Also, I should have control over both me and the core at the same time... but thinking about two things at the same time is rather confusing... If I could somehow get used to it, I could learn at least twice as fast... Well, let's go.

System, you can give me the clothes now.

The time I spent here studying was enough to replenish what I spent on those just from her being in here... I should thank her properly later... Oh. I also need some food for her.

System, can you do stuff like light the firepit and stuff like that?

< Yes, Items inside the dungeon are under its control to some extent. >

Oh nice, so if I buy, let's say, some mushroom soup, you could put it directly into the large pot so I can pretend I made it.

< Correct. >

Perfect! let me see first if she's still in the tent.

I gazed around with the floating eyes and could see nothing moving in the safe zone area. She must still be sleeping. Turn on the fire and put soup for two in the pot, give me some white bread as well.

< Mushroom Stew will cost 1EP/Portion for a total of 2EP. 2 Portions of White Bread go for 1EP >

It's ok. Do it.

I started walking towards the safe zone with her new clothes in hand... I'm eager to see her reaction to it though... She was so cute, hope she slept well...