Ch 24 – I’m in VR baby!

There we go, all set. How long left?

< Skill is not on cooldown >

Lerigo then.

I materialize my body in front of the tent. Hoho...

But now, instead of seeing from the body.


Jokes apart, yeah, I did it. My full field of view is covered by the vision of this body. I can control it freely, but my turning to the side I can see myself in the Dungeon Hologram. There're also a couple cameras in the background and above so that I can see the movements from the mercenaries and shit...

I start walking towards the tent.

<< Hey, Gun. >>

Yeah, go ahead.

<< Hmmmm... It's just a thought that crossed through my mind but... >>

Go on...

<< You realize this "reality" of yours that you are setting up is in concept the same as a Divine Sub-space, right? >>


<< Like... Mine looks like this because I chose to have it be like this... Including the system setup and all... I could make it whatever. >>

No, you being a degenerate weeb was something I already knew... What does that even mean?

<< I'm not sure... I don't think you are supposed to have that... But it's inside the Cube so it's not technically a Sub-space... It's more like, you somehow made a world inside your head... It's freaky. >>

You, of all people, calling me a freak... Please stop thinking and go back to fantasizing about getting fed with tubes while getting fucked.


Of course! Who the fuck can ignore all that fucked up shit! I had to take it off of your bed you know.

<< Umu... That's... Private, you know...? >>

Yeah, yeah, now leave my psycho crazed control-room alone. Before I make you read only Emergence for a week.


Good girl.

<< I was defeated in my own field of specialty... >>

You can be a weeb goddess, but you haven't read half the fucked-up shit I've read...

<< Hmpf. >>

Anyhow, let's wake this girl up... Wait, my clothes really are still here! This skill doubles clothing! I can make infinite money!

<< Stop abusing the flaws of the system! >>

Or what? It's not like I'm gonna be banned or anything.


"Mihara! Wake up."

Fuck my dick is hard again...

"Please wake up!"

I repeated while shaking her hip.

"Hmmm? What gives?"

She turned, face up, to see me calling her.

"Dress up. They arrived."

"What?! Why are you this calm?!"

"Ah, they camped in front of the cave entrance but don't seem to be planning to get inside that quickly... We have some time left."

"What are we gonna do then? Wait here for them?"

"Nah... I have somewhere better... Dress up and come with me."


Mihara was confused for a second before realizing she was completely bare.

Her face started to heat up and become completely flushed as she slowly covered her body with her arms...

"Relax, I've seen it all, already haven't I?"

My attempt only made her more flushed, hiding herself in shame while pressing her knees against her chest.

<< Oof... You really have no tact... >>

"Sorry... I'm gonna wait for you outside... We're eating the rest of yesterday's stock."


After coming out of the tent, I asked the system for some white bread. I was pretty used to eating every day... Fortunately, since the system was based on myself, it was pretty cheap!

After a couple minutes, Mihara left the tent, still flushed.

I filled both of out bowls with the mushroom stew and handed her one of them and a piece of bread.

"Is this... Soft bread?"


"How did you manage to make it in the middle of nowhere! It's very rare!"

"Ah... I have an old family recipe..."

<< You are a pretty bad liar... >>

" You are a pretty bad liar..."

Ow... The two at once? That hurts you know...

"Don't worry about it... It's okay if you can't tell me everything yet... You still are a mystery to me."

"What? I'm not a mystery... We just haven't had the time to get to know each other." I said, dunking the bread in soup and eating it.

"Well... That's true... You barely know my name, right?"

"Haven't you told me already? It was Kamondatto ne Mihara or something, right?"

"hahaha... You idiot... It's Kaimondake no Mihara... But I guess it's not common for you right... Where are you from?"

"Me?... I'm... From the west."

"West? As in the Dead Continent?"


"I mean... This continent has not really that much to the west but some demi-human nations... Humans live to the East... And after those there's the Demon Strait... Are you bad with maps?"

"Hahh... Yeah... I think I might have said the wrong direction..."

"But what about you? You never told me where you were from..."

"I mean... It's on my name isn't it?"

"Oh... Right... The Kaimondake thing, is that the name of your town?"

"Not really... It's the former name of the Kaimon Empire..."

"And let me guess... You are part of the royalty?"

"How did you?!"

"It was pretty easy... You were surprised of expensive things, but because you had seen them before and knew their worth. Your name has a "from" in the middle... And you are far too pretty to be a lowly peasant..."

"Thank you..." She responded, flushing completely once more.

<< Well... At least you still remember how to be a Don Juan... You sick womanizer! >>