Ch 31 – The Seven Greater Gods


A woman materialized in a luxurious throne room.

The entire room was covered in Carrara marble and Gold. Massive red Banners embroidered in Gold thread were hung from the walls and, in the center of the room, in an overly pompous golden throne, was seated an old man in royal raiment.

She was slim with a light-tanned caramel skin and had well defined muscles, little dark-leather clothing with metal guards covered only a small fraction of her figure. Black and brown short but thick fur covered the sides of her torso and the back of her arms and shoulders. Her black hair with golden-brown highlights, which reached all the way to her slim waist, and her narrow brown eyes further emphasized her overly large pointy ears with short fur. A long and slim black tail pointed upwards as she took bold strides towards the throne.

"... Miaschwer... For what reason do I owe you the honor?" A sadistic smile formed on the face of the old man.

"Don't you fucking dare to insult me like that you fucking bastard! God of creation my ass! Don't you fucking dare to preach against my children!"

"It seems you misunderstand something." Lest snaps his finger, Chains appear on the arms and legs of the dog-woman. "I became the God of Creation the moment they decided that, so I was."


The chain snapped from a single pull from the woman's arms

"You can believe whatever the hell you want, but this won't end good for you! You sick fuck"

She said while breaking the cuffs on her ankles with her bare hands.

"You may think you have become powerful because those idiots you created think you are all mighty, but if you keep going after my children, I will assure you that none of yours will survive the end of this millennium!"

As Miaschwer turned her back towards him, Lest looked at her departing figure until she disappeared.


He screamed as soon as her presence was gone.

'I killed thousands of her believers and became a God of Creation... How the fuck is she still that powerful!'

His anger once again distorted her face in an even more spiteful smile.

"Then all I have to do is to keep killing them until I overtake you. You lowly dog!"

Lest was one of the Seven Greater Gods.

Lest, Mia, Kyrie, Pharn, Woer, Lofy and Lorei.

Light, Life, Fire, Air, Earth, Night and Water.

A hundred thousand years ago, the goddess of Vigor and Nature ascended to Greater Godhood during the fall of mankind, and with the help of Lofy and Lorei, took over the Life Attribute from the God of Light.

They stole what he cherished the most. But he only resented one of them.

The target of his resentment.

The Goddess of Vitality - Mother of the Beastkin. The one who stole the Life Attribute from him.

Miaschwer Furr Hound.


"Haaaah... We are already a handful of hours behind... It's already past noon... Couldn't we just wait a bit more?"

"Stop being a bitch! Gabe's already let us sleep a lot!"

"I somehow feel betrayed..."

"Good to see you boys hanging together a bit more"

Gabe and his men were walking back towards the cave they found beforehand. They had slept for far too long and were hours behind...

"Gabe... Do you think everything's gonna be fine?"

"Huh? Dunno... Gahan will probably be pissed that we got this much late..."

"That's... Not what I meant..."

"... I hope so... They got Gahan... He main be a meat brain, but… He's a competent leader..."

"I hope Kyle's ok..."

"Oh... Right, you best friend has the same name as you right?"


"Ey, but... I didn't see the food guys or the prisoners either!" Joe, listening to their conversation, made something clear...



"I mean... The forest is quite dense. Doesn't make sense that they'd leave them behind?"

"Yeah, but..." (Gabe)

"Entering suck an ominous cave without backup or extra supplies is..."(Kyle)

The three quickly realized something.

A sense of urgency rapidly grew in them as they slowly sped up their pace until they were just straight-up running.

Something told them this wouldn't end well if they took too long to arrive.

Too bad that, at this time, all the mercenaries had already entered the cave.


A squad of 16 goblins was hunting for wolves.

They did not like the hard, stringy meat that much, but it was better than worms and wood bark.

Since their numbers started growing exponentially, food had slowly become a problem. They had no idea how to farm or plant anything other than the Gerbu-fruit. A plant that resulted from the contamination of seeds with the miasma from Goblin Species.

The Gerbu, however, was almost inedible in natura. It took them months to process a single batch underground in order to make it edible. The process was simple. Dig a large room, fill it halfway with the fruit, seal it, and let the insects and mold do its job. After some months, the hard and acrid fruit would turn into a soft green sludge that was very nutritious once you discarded the outer moldy shell. This process was easily scalable, but since they were growing this fast, the Gerbu batches from months ago were enough for only less than half their number and, of course, the Hobgoblins and Generals hated eating plants.

(This conversation was translated to human language.)

"Hey! Look right there! Humans!" (Goblin 1)

"Ohh! They taste much better than wolves! Let's go for them" (Goblin 2)

The goblins spotted three humans walking in the forest.

"What do we do? Fight?"(Goblin 3)

"Are you nuts? Look at them! They have metal skin and swords!"(Goblin 2)

"Yeah! If we fight them head on, we may all die!"(Goblin 4)

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" (Goblin 5)

"We should make a trap for them!"(Goblin 4)

"They are gonna escape by the time we are done" (Goblin 6)

"Then let's ambush them from all sides." (Goblin 2)

"Good idea!" (Goblin 7)

"4 from each side then?!"(Goblin 8)

"Sure, just go quickly!"(Goblin 1)

"Yeah, let's go!" (Goblin 3)

The Goblins started to encircle the humans in four groups, however...

"Why are they speeding up"(Goblin 7)

"The heck do I know!" (Goblin 9)

"Could it be that they noticed us?" (Goblin 10)

"Impossible! Not even the wolves noticed us!"(Goblin 1)

"Let's speed up!"(Goblin 7)

"I just hope all the others noticed them speeding up..." (Goblin 1)