Ch 44 – Tell me more

Okay... Now... All we have to do is deal with those three and beware of the ones outside.

<< It really surprises me you actually dealt with all those Mercenaries... >>

Thank the Slimes and Insects... The DP-Farm seems to be in good shape too. I'm surprised they are managing it that well.

<< You really are a spineless bastard, aren't you? But yeah... How did you get those goblins to work that well? >>

I mean... It's simple right? They are sadists, so... I just have to order them to not kill and they can do whatever they want. Since the prisoners suffer even if they are no longer there, I only need enough people so that they don't get bored. And leave the healing stuffs for later on or in case they try to suicide.

<< Why are you so clever when it comes to this...? You scare me. >>

Look who's talking... The system goddess that literally tortured me for saying her title.

<< If you insist, I can do it again! >>

I'll pass. Rather, how do I deal with those fuckers? I mean... The leader guy didn't even get hurt you know!?

<< He does look like a tough cookie... >>

Do you think they'll give up and retreat?

<< Didn't you hear him saying he wants the girl no matter what? They're not going anywhere. >>

Haaah... I really need to deal with him somehow... I'mma waste so much DP on monsters...

<< Why don't you just spawn a single very powerful monster to deal with him at once? >>

Are you stupid? We don't even know how strong he is. If we do that and he wins we're dead!

<< Ah... Right... You can only see the Status of monsters and those belonging to the dungeon... >>

Yeah!? I mean... I think I can see his level and some stuff if I do it with the materialized body but... I don't want to entrust our survival to that. He could have some weird skill.

<< I see... Seeing you this serious and actually thinking about stuff kinda turns me on, you know? >>

You are that kind then...

<< That kind? >>

Yeah... The kind that falls for badboys and mobsters in high-school.

<< Where the hell did that even come from!? >>

It's nothing. Forget it.

Haah... I just wanted this to be done with already... Mihara's gonna take almost an hour to reach the cabin... Too long...

<< We've dealt with almost everyone... It should end soon... >>

I hope so... This has taken almost the whole day already... Soon it'll be night time and we still have to be aware of every step of those idiots.

<< But didn't you manage the two that stayed behind? >>

Those!? Those were small fry. They were left behind because taking them would be dead weight.

<< Why didn't you kill the second one then? >>

The goblins know how to have a lot of fun with someone who can't feel pain in a limb... You know, it feels far more scary if you can see it and can't feel a thing.

<< Oh... I wonder where do you get that from... >>

Ah... You poor soul... If you delve deep enough into the 6 digit universe you will see things you wish you'd never had seen...

<< Are you...? Are you seriously referencing hentai at a time like this!? >>


(The following conversations were translated to human speech)

"Boss! Boss! Where the fuck is boss?!" (Goblin 1)

"Oi! Calm the hell up! He's gonna be here soon, just wait." (Worker Goblin)

The goblin group finally arrived at the entrance of the cave system. Most of them collapsed on the spot as soon as they arrived.

Aside from running three hours straight to get back, they had also chased the humans and hunted prior to that. There's no way a mere goblin warrior can handle all of that.

"We can't fucking wait."

"Hold up, where's the rest!?" Another goblin appears from behind the worker, the hunter leader knew this one, he was the Site Supervisor.

"They are dead, but that doesn't matter! I have an urgent matter to talk with the Boss."

"Doesn't matter!? You come back with a third of your men missing and you say it doesn't matter!?" The worker was pissed upon hearing the words. He plunged forward towards the hunter before being grabbed by the shoulder by the Site Supervisor.

"You should head back and do your job. If he says it's not important, it's not important. He's been here far longer than you have." The worker goblin clenched his fists, but turned around and went back into the collapsed area. "Sorry about the kid, he gets very emotional with this stuff still... The youth right?"

"Hahaha... Yeah... We used to be like that didn't we?" A bitter smile appeared on the hunter's face. "How's the fixing going?"

"Ah... The king asked us to remanage all the tunnels and make this whole shit an entrance since rebuilding would take longer than tunneling elsewhere."

"Seems rough on you doesn't it?"

"Yeah but it should be fine..." Before he could finish speaking, the Site Supervisor saw the Hunter look over his shoulder and realized someone had arrived.

"Oh! Hunti..." He froze as he turned around to see not only the man he thought, but also His Majesty and two generals. "I'm sorry Your Majesty, I hadn't realized you were here."

"Don't worry about me. Cut the formalities. Hunter! What's the report? Tell me too."

"YES!" The hunter became very nervous. It was one thing to tell bad news to his boss... Other to tell it to the king himself.

"There are humans! A large group of them. We followed three but traces suggest over thirty."

"That's bad news isn't it... Why are they in this forest... Subjugation? No... It's too soon for that..."

"Your Majesty, if you allow me to say, we also found a huge cave opening in The Great Wall."

"A CAVE ON THE WALL!? Shit... Sorry!" One of the generals let his tongue slip from surprise. Making the king become even more interested.

"Continue, hunter... I want to know every last bit of this..."