Ch 52 – Too much happening

(Mihara's POV)

"Let's go! It's time to hunt that bitch down."

She recognized that voice. Tears started forming in her eyes as cold sweat dripped down her spine.

'He's here!' She panicked. Her first instinct was to run, but her legs were frozen in place by some unknown reason. Fear. She stared idly at the dark corridor leading to this room, two figures slowly appeared from it. Not that they were moving slow. She could just see very far into the cave, and their image slowly grew in size.

It was only then that she realized. Hundreds of goblins gushed from the opposite branch, flooding into the room like a storm. And something blocked her view of the enemies she'd grown so wary of. The backs of three large hobgoblins, worn in their rustic red attire. They were shielding her. Soon, the sounds of battle started to resound. The clash of the goblins' makeshift weapons with steel swords. Those of blades tearing through bone and flesh. She crouched, covering her ears with her hands, sobbing. Tears flowed from her eyes onto the ground as she sobbed uncontrollably. Until a green light shone underneath her, and she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Her sorrow seemed to magically vanish, and together with it, her fear. She rose back to her feet, now completely composed. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest. A slow and loud drum, erasing the noise from the whole world around her. She stared at the owner of the hand. One of the hobgoblins stood with her, the two others seemed further away, their hands raised as they used their magic.

The one in front of her seemed almost humane, in an attempt to comfort her. She stared in awe as the monster raised his hand from her shoulder, pointing towards the direction where the goblins came from.

She dashed towards it, the Hobgoblin running by her side. Until it no longer was.

She looked back without stopping, only to see a sword piercing through its chest and back, as it stood in Gahan's path, delaying him so she could escape.

For the very first time, she shed tears for a monster, as she made her way running through yet another branch of the cave.


(Gunther's POV)


<< What is it? >>

They are dying too fast.

<< Even with the ghosts? >>

Yeah. I'mma send another wave.

<< But you can't spawn them there. >>

I know.

<< And from the main room they'll hinder her escape. >>

I Know! I'll use them to pinch him from behind. That crazed idiot won't see what hit him.

<< The weak one? >>

Yeah. But he's still strong enough to cover for the other one. We need him out. Fast.

<< What the hell is that girl doing!? >>

Oh, crap. She snapped. I'll get one of the Shaman's to help her.

<< But then we'll lose even more goblins even quicker. >>

If she doesn't run now she won't get another chance. How long till I can materialize again?

<< Bout 15 minutes still. >>

Fuck. This has to do it.

<< What!? Why are you opening the secret path!? >>

Another place for the goblins to come from. That's all I can do now.

<< 60 dead. >>

<< 76 dead. >>

<< You need that hobgoblin casting stuff! They'll get trampled! >>

I know! Look, she's up!

<< Finally! Took her long enough! >>

The hell is that!? How the fuck is he doing that!?

<< The hell do I know! Probably some skill or something. There must be a drawback. >>

I don't care about what happens next if he kills her now.

<< I know I know! The goblin won't make it, you gotta use the hobgoblin. >>

But we only have three of those. How much EP do we even have left?

<< Bout 6 thousand. >>

I can't spend much more! That thing alone costs 8 thousand and I'm not sure if we can recover that much in just a couple days!

<< Stop whining and just do it! We can deal with that later. >>

Ok then! Let's do it.

<< That was a close call! >>

You tell me! Did they all make it out?

<< Just now. >>

Close the damn path. I'll send 50 more from the corridor she's going through.

<< Won't they be a problem for her? >>

They can squeeze her through! What matters is that they'll be a problem for him too. Oh we did it!

<< What? >>

He's down.

<< Which one!? Ah, okay. Now what do we do? >>

How much longer?

<< 13 minutes. >>

Come on! Is the time not ticking?

<< It should be working fine. >>

He'll make it through in a bit.

<< Are you serious!? What about the new ones? >>

Can't you see?! They're almost done already.

<< Shit. How much time did we earn? >>

Less than two minutes.

<< It's gonna be tough for her isn't it. >>

I Guess so... I hope she manages to run fast enough.

<< What about the safe room? >>

I routed it behind the treasury a while back.

<< Good, so he's gotta make it through the core room. >>

Yeah. Let's hope that gives us enough time.

<< Yeah... I guess you should pray. >>

To whom, dumbass?! Like I even know the gods of this fricking world!

<< I don't know! If you are loud enough maybe all of them will hear you. >>

Fuck off! Now help me deal with this shit. The system's full of errors all the time.

<< What the hell are you even doing!? >>

What I told you I was doing. It's just freezing all the time.

<< The fuck have you done!? >>



We have what!?