Ch 56 – The end


THIS MOTHER FUCKER! I'll fucking kill him! I'll cut his fucking dick off and feed it to him.


<< 30 Seconds! >>

I raged as I felt Mihara's ass touch the corner of my main body.

But that was not the problem. The problem was why.

I watched as Gahan's hands defiled her body, I'd already sent the order but it took a handful of seconds for it to happen.

But I couldn't wait. Not a second more.

Just the thought of that disgusting being touching the cute fox-kin was already too much, let alone allow him to rape her.

I tried holding myself back. I really did. But when I heard her groan in pain and felt his finger touching me from in between her legs,

I snapped.


I'd already talked to Gloria what to do if this ever happened and decided shutting down the lights and pretending this was not the core room was the safest option, since he could kill me on the spot.

But this was just... too much.

The dungeon core, My physical body, started to vibrate as my rage forced the dungeon functions into overdrive.

<< GUN!!!!!>>

Gloria yelled in fear, this was dangerous.

The dungeon core strobed red as it operated beyond its capacity, absorbing the corpses of all dead monsters and humans.


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I yelled in pain. That pain, the same as when I got all that experience.

I felt my brain boiling. My body cracked as the system threw errors as empty quotes.

<< The system's failing! The hell are you doing?! Why did you convert all that into XP!? You're gonna die! >>

Gloria yelled again, but her voice felt incredibly distant.

<< GUN! >>


She cried, I could see her tears from here.



I could see their pain...

Their fear.


I yelled as my soul morphed.





I yelled inside my mind as my consciousness faded from all the pain.

And for a moment. I knew.

I simply knew.


>>>>>>>>>> REPLACING CORE FUNCTIONS <<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>> MERGING <<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>> SYSTEM <<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>> MAINFRAME UNITED <<<<<<<<<<


>>>>> Administrator rights revoked <<<<<

>>>>> Administrator rights Assigned <<<<

>>>>> Operator: Gloria <<<<<

>>>>> Divine System Initialized <<<<<


"Gunther!" She yelled as the man collapsed.

'No, no, no, no!' She thought. 'This can't be! This can't be happening!'

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she began to sob.

*Pyw* *Pyw*

The sound of electronics shutting down reached her ears as she fell to the ground from her chair, kneeling.

"No way, right?" The desperate thought escaped her lips as she cried, staring down towards the floor.


Her computer shut down, bathing the room in ominous darkness.

"Gun..." She cried out his name, wiping her tears with her hands.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I couldn't do anything." She lamented.

Around, darkness started covering the things that made up her room. The bookshelf with her mangas, the bed, even her trash.

It all slowly began converting into nothing but darkness.

She sobbed. She cried, disconsolate.

"Sorry Sis. I failed you... I guess I really was a failure after all..."

Gloria hugged her knees, crying, as the walls that surrounded her slowly turned into darkness.

"I blew it." She said. "My last chance... I blew it..."

Tears flowed down her reddened eyes as her clothes slowly turned into darkness, only to vanish right after.

"I failed everyone... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! WHY ME!" She yelled towards the neverending darkness atop of her.

"Why me..." She murmured once again, before resting her eyes against her now naked knees as she sobbed.

The room she lived in was nowhere to be seen. Rather, there was no longer anything there. Only a small naked girl, sat on a foundation made out of pure darkness, in the middle of the neverending darkness. Soon, even that foundation vanished into nothingness, and the girl found herself falling.

She stared into the blank darkness that spread infinitely around her. Her tears flowed up wards, floating in front of her as she cried.

Oblivion. The place where all gods originated from, and where all gods returned to.


She cried for what she felt was an eternity. Yet, nothing happened.

"Why?" She said. "Why am I not disappearing?" She asked the nothingness.

"I failed. didn't I?" She yelled at nobody.

"How long do you intend to torture me like this? Isn't just killing me enough already?" She yelled towards the void, yet no answer arrived.

"Why do you do this to me?" She asked in a soft voice, before sobbing again.

Gloria cried until her tears ran dry. Her mistakes and failures hunting her down for what felt like an eternity. It was nothing. There was no way for her to know how long had passed. All she knew was she'd been falling.


"GHA~" All the air in her lungs suddenly left as she hit something hard. "Ow..." She said, as if it were natural, yet, she felt no pain whatsoever.

"Where am I?" She asked herself as she slowly rose to her feet. Around her, the nothingness continued forever. But it felt different.

This was not the nothingness of the void, but the nothingness of a realm that hadn't been built upon.

Yet, it was wide, wider than she could ever have imagined herself. She tapped her own chest, making sure she was still herself. Looking down, she realized her body still looked about the same, aside from being stark naked, that is.

Her eyes wandered around the nothingness that spread in all directions, until.

"The heck is that?" A single drop of white was visible in the far horizon. Nothing but a dot. Yet for her, who had nothing to lose, it was still something. And as such, she slowly walked towards the unknown... Surrounded by all but naught.