
"Hi guys? Can I join you in coloring?" Eno asked some three little kids that were sitting at a table outside their home.

One a them smiled and handed her a piece of paper. She grabbed a light pink color and began to draw Nana. Eno was a quick drawer and was very good at it. She finished as fast as she could before their parents came out asking who she was.

"You draw really pretty." One of boys commented.

"Wow! Pretty!" A girl said as she was amazed.

"But it doesn't look like you." One other boy said

"It's my mom, Nana. If you see her please tell Agust D." Eno informed them.

"Ohhhh! Agust D is so cool! I want to be like him!" The first boy said.

"I want him to be my brother!" The other boy said.

"Wait! Your his girlfriend! Oooooo!" The girl gasped as she was very impressed.

Eno tried to keep up with their comments. "What? Why would you say that?" Eno asked the girl.

"You're wearing his clothes. Everyone, knows him and all the girls like him. I don't blame you he's really cute." The little girl said.

"Don't say that!" The boy shouted as it seemed to be her big brother.

"We aren't dating. He's just helping me find my mom. I think..." Eno made a funny face as she talked.

The little kids laughed.

"I must go find her. Thank you for letting me color with you guys." Eno said before leaving.

Eno began to walk around and show the people the flyer. She made sure they remembered her face just in case they saw her around. The answer to "have you seen her" was a definite "no."

She didn't give up hope. Eno thought what if she's hiding in someone's house? Maybe, that's why people keep saying no cause they think she'll hurt her. She laughed at her assumptions like how could she hurt someone? It got to funny to her.

"Have you seen her? She's my mom." Eno began to say instead.

"Ask Agust D for help. I'm sure he'll find her right away." A man answered as he walked away with a bag of fish.

Eno grew a little annoyed cause that was another common answer she got. People really loved him a lot and her not so much. He hadn't helped her at all.

"I don't know why my Agust is always helping so many chicks out there. I hope they don't get the wrong idea of him." A girl said from outside a small shop.

Eno blushed as she saw the girl looking at Eno's outfit.

"You can't blame him. That's what's he's here for. To help us all out because the king won't ever help us." A lady said back to her.

Eno walked faster and luckily she didn't get stopped by them. As, the day went by she continued to walk around asking people about Nana. Eno began watching people put up their things quickly and she thought they wanted to go inside already. No one listened to her at this point and she got upset.

"I just want to know if you guys have seen her. It's just a quick look!" She got frustrated.

"Get lost girl! The angry guards are coming and will take you to the palace. The king will go off with your head. Go hide!" A man said before pushing his whole family inside his home.

Eno looked around but didn't see no guards. She saw some little kids running for their life's. Eno didn't even know where to go or where the guards were coming from.

"I'll run when I see them." She told herself as she looked around for people that didn't run. As, she got towards the other side of the village those people weren't putting up their belongings. She asked around with her flyer but it didn't take long for them to put up their things too.

"Go ask Agust D for help." A woman said.

"I don't know where he is." Eno finally said.

"Wait for him in his home. If you really want to find her then you'll wait for him." She said before leaving with her hen.

Eno wanted to give up as no one was helping her. Them that saw so many faces in a day but Nana's none.

"They're coming!!!" A little boy shouted.

Eno looked back and saw a couple of guards running towards them. Everyone, lost it and ran. Eno was thrown on the floor and someone picked her up like paper.

"Hurry up!" He yelled as he ran.

Eno looked at the back of his head and that was enough for her to recognize it was Agust D. She ran after him and caught up to him.

"Where have you been all day?! I was looking for you." She asked very mad.

"Really? Why? Aren't you supposed to be looking for your Nana?" He teased her.

She rolled her eyes. "You left this morning and didn't help me! Look at the sky it is now and no sign of you. At this point Nana would be dead by now." Eno glared at him as she spoke.

"I never said I would help you." He informed her.

Eno jaw dropped and gasped. "What?!"

"Who's there?!" A guard yelled.

Agust D eyes got bigger and looked at her.

He whispered. "Look what you did. Shut up and follow me."

"No!" She whispered yelled at him.

Agust D didn't insist and turned to rush away. She got offended as he didn't insist and went after him.

"I'm not done with you!" She continued to whisper.

He turned back and said "Don't follow me if you're going to continue to talk."

He warned her and she had no choice but to shut up. Agust D began to run into an alley and said "We run past this one and the other. Then we'll be home safe."

They had to cross another alley but he stopped. She looked to see why he stopped and their was guards there.

"What do we do?" She asked.

"Wait until they leave." He whispered as he licked his lips. She looked away as she thought about not drinking water as well.

"Shit!" He said before running.

Eno looked back and it was two guards.

"Hey! Stop!"

Eno ran after Agust D until they made it to a dead end.

"What do we do?!" Eno panicked.

He knocked on the door like if it was Christmas time.

She looked at him crazy and then said "This is no time for games! They won't answer the door! They don't like helpi-"

The door opened and they rushed inside.

Eno was shocked because they helped him but not her.

"How are you son?" The woman asked.

Agust D answered. "I'm fine. Thank you for asking. How's your son?" He asked.

"With the medicine you provided he's doing so much better. Thank you." She smiled.

The boy came out. "Agust D!" He shouted.

He hugged him. "You're doing so much better I see."

Eno mouth dropped and couldn't believe it was the boy from earlier.

The boy looked at her and said "I haven't seen your mom still but some guards came earlier asking about you."

"You know her son?" The woman asked concerned.

The girl from earlier came out and said very excitingly "Oh my goodness! You brought him here!"

"Hey, go to your room and clean." Her mother ordered her.

Agust D said "Wow! That's your daughter? She's so big now."

"Where's the other boy?" Eno asked.

"He's in his room sleeping." The woman answered.

"We were coloring earlier together." The boy said.

"Nathan! How many times do I have to tell you not to talk to strangers? And Kim wake up your brother so we can eat." She said kind of upset.

Agust D said "Don't be to harsh on them. She's not that dangerous."

Eno jaw dropped again. "Hey!"

The girl laughed and Eno pouted.

Nathan came back and said "Nandy, isn't in his room sleeping."

The woman grew pale and Agust D said "I'll find him! Don't worry."

"No no the guards will kill him!" She began to cry.

Agust D asked "Where could he be?"

"Maybe, he's out playing..." The girl answered.

Agust D was about to leave but looked back at Eno. "Stay here. I don't want another problem." He ordered.

"Yes, king. Anything, else?" She sarcastically asked.

He answered "Don't call me that sh-"

Eno pushed him out the door and closed it.

"It's ok. He'll find him. He's your youngest, right?" Eno asked as she remembered him from earlier.

She nodded as she was crying.

Nathan said "He'll save Nandy just like he saved Kim."

"What happened to Kim?" Eno asked.

The woman said "There's a rule where you can't have more than two kids in the village. If you do then the king orders for their death or they are forced to work in the palace. Families never unite again..."

Eno thought about the king how everyone hated him and thought about how she had to go back. Was it worth going back just for Nana? What if she meant that she never wanted to see her again? Eno became sad.

Eno went to get water for the woman to drink. Kim began to cry and said "I want my brother back."

Eno grew nervous as he took long and the crying of them made her tense.

The door swung open and Eno eyes widen.

"Oh my! Nandy!"

He found him safe and sound.

Agust D said "Nandy, it's not safe to stay out playing. When you see it getting dark you need to come home immediately."

Eno was happy but she felt kind of scared for Nandy.

Nathan said "They're coming!"

Agust D said "Quick hide in the room and don't come out."

They all rushed inside.

"You too." He ordered Eno.

"No." She answered him.

Agust D didn't like that.

Eno closed the door for them and stood by him.

"They want me after all." She reminded him.

He heard the guards voices on the other side of the door. They tried to open the door and Eno heart rate speeded up a little.

The guards banged on the door and yelled "OPEN THE DOOR!"

Their mocking laughs could be heard and Agust D went towards the door. Eno held him back and whispered "Control yourself. They're just trying to get us to open. Remember, the children."

Agust D looked at her with soft eyes as she was right and he had to control himself. Eno looked into his eyes shocked as she had never seen his eyes look like that before. Thankfully, the guards gave up as they left to go knock on other doors.

"When the coast is clear we'll leave." He informed her before opening the door for the kids to come out.