
Eno walked late by the kids house and thought about bothering them for help. She imagined them getting killed by Yoongi and snapped out of it when chills went down her spine.

"No, no. I'm all alone in this." She softly said.

Guards were heard by her ears and she didn't run. They didn't seem to see her as she came from behind them. Eno was about to open her mouth but she got pulled to the side.

"What are you doing?! Get your hands off of me." Eno smacked his arms away.

Agust D covered her mouth with a cloth and she knocked out.

"Why you bring her back? She's a lot of trouble you know?" Rm asked him.

Agust D said "I'm going to try to fix her. It's not right the way she wants to go back and neither is the reason. Everyone, belongs in a safe and good environment. Not in that dumb palace."

J-hope said "I don't think you can change her mind. She's like brainwashed by him."

Agust said. "Not even Yrel could get her to change her mind."

Tae sighed. "We're just wasting time with her. There's more people out there that need help from us. Clearly, she doesn't want any help from us."

Jimin said with a smirk. "We should keep her. That way she can help us end the king."

Everyone, was amazed with what Jimin proposed.

The next day Eno woke up on the couch and quickly sat up.

"How dare you?!" Eno yelled at Agust D.

"Get up." He ordered.

"Where are you going?!" Eno went after him.

When they went outside the apartment their was the village people below.

Agust D asked the people. "She wants to ask if any of you have seen Nana."

"Show your flyer." He turned to look at her.

Eno took out her flyer and held it up.

"She's my mom and I just want to unite with her again." Eno said loud enough for them to hear.

A man said "She's dead!"

Eno got frightened and turned pale. "What?" Eno asked.

"I saw that lady by the river like two days ago. She must of drowned cause she wasn't responding to us. She was buried by the river with no name." The man informed her as he pointed towards the river.

Eno teared up and Agust turned to look at her.

"Thank you for your help." Agust D. said.

Eno ran down the stairs and headed towards the river. There was indeed a small cross above a pile of dirt. Agust D stood by just in the shadows just in case she went crazy with her thoughts.

"He made me do it. I didn't want to. You know I didn't want to go but he insisted. This was all his fuckin plan. He knew what he was doing and look at us now. I never wanted to do any of that and I still don't. I hate that son of bitch. I promise you. I wanted to do this right but like you wanted. I'm so sorry...I couldn't defend myself. I'm sorry I let you down. I never wanted to disappoint you. I'll probably go to hell now. I'm a sinner like him." She paused and then said "Or maybe I'm worse."

Silence with her tears took over for awhile until she got herself up again.

"I'm going to kill him." Eno said with very much anger within that it didn't sound like her at all.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. What are you saying? Come here." Agust D tried to comfort her.

"Get the fuck away from me." Eno said walking past him.

Agust D didn't stop her but he did follow behind her.

"Yeah, just go into the palace without any smart plan." He said from behind but she didn't listen to him.

"Walking up to him to accuse him of her death will just get him to kill you first and faster." He added.

"Shut up!" She yelled at him.

"You're just mad and aren't thinking right. This isn't his fault. It's Nana's fault." He tested her buttons now.

Eno stopped and turned around. "What did you say?! This isn't her fault it's his! How dare you say that?!"

Agust D said "We shouldn't accuse others for one's actions."

Eno knew he was right but she didn't waste another minute with him.

"Go take care of your village and leave me alone. If I die then who cares." She said as she turned around to leave.

"I care." He said from behind.

That made Eno's heart soft that she slowed down but she remembered that was his job. Eno walked fast again and Agust D pulled her hand back. He turned her around fast and brought her close to him a few seconds. She pulled back and pushed him away.

"Quit it! Why don't you just leave me alone?! Can't you see what he did?! He needs to pay f-for what...he did..." Eno broke down into his arms and he instantly picked her up. Agust D didn't waste any time, he quickly threw her into the river and squat down by it. She popped up from underneath the water and looked at him with irritating, red eyes.

"Why did you do that?!" She asked all broken down.

"You need to learn to cool down. Stop getting mad at everything and everyone. Eno, needs to learn to relax and put herself before anyone else. Take care of yourself more than anyone else in this world. You never know what others will back stab you with." He advised her.

She looked away. "You really are the opposite of that jerk. I wish you the best with Yrel. Goodbye, Agust D." Eno let herself go with the current of water and the water ran over her body.

Agust D shouted. "No, wait! ENO!" He jumped into the river and swam after her as fast as he could.

"Hold my hand!" He shouted at her.

"I don't want to live anymore! Don't you get it. Leave me alone." She said as she swam away from him.

"I'll help you end him! Don't you want too?!" He shouted at her but Eno just seemed to heart broken that nothing seemed to change her mind. Sometimes, she sunk to much and sometimes she was up catching her breath. It got harder for Agust D to catch his air and most importantly hers.

"I WON'T LET YOU DIE, ENO!" He last shouted at her before grabbing onto her hand. He pulled her into a hug and let the water flow take them to somewhere where he could have more control of his body. It didn't take long before the water slowed down and it got lower. He pushed her out the river and got himself out. Agust D saw her eyes closed. He didn't hesitate to quickly do CPR on her but then he saw she was already awake.

"Hey! Get up! You've been alive this whole time and didn't tell me!" He got mad at her.

Eno just followed him with her eyes and saw how mad he was as he walked away from her.

She softly said "Yeah, get mad. The only thing I'm good at."

"You're fuckin crazy. I can't believe you wanted to end your life!" He was so disappointed in her.

"You should have let me die. Then everyone can be happy." She said as she sat up to look at him.

"Do you think I want to see someone from my people die? NO! Don't do that shit again. You hear me?!" He ordered her.

She chuckled.

Agust D seemed to get more pissed.

"I thought you don't get mad?" She questioned him.

Agust D saw where this was going. "I'm very upset with the stupid thing you did back there. This isn't funny."

"So, you actually do care for me?" Eno seemed to smile a little.

"Are you trying to tell me that you did all of this to prove to yourself that I care for you?" He asked very serious.

"I didn't tell you to throw me in the river!" She yelled at him.

"Well, I didn't tell you to tell me goodbye like that shit you did back there!" Agust D was very frustrated.

She smiled and looked away slowly.

"And what the hell did you mean about I wish you best with Yrel? I don't even like her like that." Agust D informed her and that made her sad.

"You don't?" Eno asked but felt bad.

Agust D said. "Of course not. Why would you say that? Don't assume things."

Eno didn't say anything as she began to realize she had some feelings for him.

"Don't tell me she likes me too." He walked towards her to help her up.

Eno stood up and took a look at him before walking away again.

"Woah! Where you going?" He asked getting infront of her.

She sighed. "I don't belong here or there. I'm just going back to the palace to not cause trouble."

"Nana is dead. Why you going back to him?" He asked.

"I'm not."

"Yeah, you are. You like him?"

"Of course not! I hate him!"

"I will kill him that way we can all live in peace."

"I wish you the best."

"Don't go. Stay here."

"I'm not welcomed."

"Stay at my place."

She thought about the couch.

"Why did you offer Yrel so much fruit? Why did you offer her own apartment? Why am I offered your couch?" Eno asked as she began to think very hard again.

"The fruit was for the both of you as I knew you were with her. When you're not interested in someone you tend to push them away. That way they won't get the wrong idea."

"How did you know I was with her?"

"I'm not that stupid you know. I told you I know everyone from the village." He informed her.

The coldness began to get to her and he noticed.

"Let's go."

"No, I don't want to go back."

"I can make some room on my bed for you. Is that what you want?" He asked.

"No! I want my own bed."

"There's no room for it."

"You sleep on the couch and I'll sleep on your bed."

He thought about it and she smirked.

"As long as you don't go back to that stupid king then it's a deal."

"What? Really?!" She was impressed.

"Let's go before you and I get sick."

"Bad boys get sick?" She teased him.

"Bad girls cry?" He teased her back.

Eno got annoyed quickly and that made him laugh.