
"She's been quiet ever since you left with they guys." Jungkook whispered to Agust D.

Agust D. asked "Is she in my room?"

Jungkook nodded. Agust D knocked and peaked in as he heard nothing. She was asleep and Agust D closed the door back up.

"I'm leaving." He told Jungkook.

"What? Where? Will we all go?" Jungkook asked.

"Stay here. I have to go take care of something." He said.

"What about the guards?" Jungkook asked kind of worried because he was going to be alone this time.

"They won't be back tonight. I promise you." He said before leaving.

Jungkook gulped and went to go eat.

The next morning came and she woke up looking around. It was very quiet and no one was around. She opened the door and the people were doing their own thing like always. Eno went back inside and furrowed her eyebrows. She looked at the couch and it looked like no one slept in it. She opened the other rooms but no one was in bed.

"Did something happen? What if Yoongi killed all of them?" She panicked with her thoughts. The door opened and it was Jungkook.

"Oh, you're up." He smiled.

"Where's everyone at?" She asked as she approached him.

Jungkook smiled like nothing was wrong. "They're all out working."

"What about you?"

"I'm staying here with you just in case the guards come."

"Will they?"

"I don't think so but we still have to be on the look out."

She felt something was kind of off.

"I'm going out." She said

"I don't think it's safe for now. Please, just stay in just until Agust comes back." He said

"Comes back? You make it sound like he left the village." She looked at him confused. "Wait! Did he? Why?"

Jungkook shrugged. "He didn't tell me."

Eno stayed worried about him and Jungkook began to cook for the both of them.

"You know how to cook?" She asked.

"Agust taught me."

She was impressed. "He did?"

"Yeah, he's the best out of us all." He informed her.

She thought about how Yoongi never stepped into the kitchen as it was a servants job only.

"When he comes back will I be able to go out?" Eno asked.

"I'm sure cause he'll be around just in case." Jungkook added.

It became dark outside and still no signs of any of the guys. Jungkook fell asleep and Eno thought about leaving.

"I'll just go talk to Yrel and then come back." She thought as she remembered she left running mad at her.

Eno sneaked out and headed towards Yrel's apartment. There was like no one walking around anymore and she began to walk a little faster. She looked to the sides as she approached her door but it was open. Eno gasped as she looked inside and there was nothing or no one to be found.

"Yoongi did this!" She teared up and ran out the apartment. Her tears blocked her view as she bumped into someone and cleared her eyes.

"Ah, I'm sorry..." She quickly said.

Agust D held her and she looked up at him. She gasped and grabbed his hand. Eno pulled him towards Yrel's apartment.

She quickly said in a loud tone. "You need to do something, NOW! FAST! LOOK YREL IS GO-"

He pulled back and said "Yrel isn't in the village anymore."

"What?!" She let go off him.

"She's safe. Don't worry." He said as he turned around to walk away.

She got infront of him and questioned him. "You took her?"

Agust D looked around and said "Keep walking if you want to know."

She followed him back home but they stopped right outside the apartment door.

"Yrel is located in another village with one of my closest friends. He'll take good care of her, I promise." He informed her.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" She asked very suspicious of him.

"Here's a letter from her." He handed it to her.

The letter said "Eno, don't worry about me. I'll be fine with the people around. They seem very nice and I'll be staying with one of Agust D friends. I think I already have a crush on his friend though, he's very handsome. Anyways, we'll see each other after all of this is over. Trust Agust D he isn't like the king, love Yrel."

Eno looked up at him and he was already smiling at her. She hugged him and said, "Thank you for helping her. This means so much to me." He hugged her back and then she pulled away.

"Why did you do it anyways?... You didn't have too." She questioned him.

He leaned over the pole and looked down. "I know he'll try to hurt Yrel and it's just best if she stays away hidden from all of this. If we can prevent a crime then let's not take any risk and do it. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, but I think I should've left too. The people here don't like me."

"They will like you. Don't worry."


"You'll see beginning tomorrow." He smirked as he walked inside the apartment. She smiled as she liked his tone of confidence.

The next morning he went in to wake her up.

"What's going on?" Eno asked very early in the morning.

"Get up. We have lots to do." Agust D. informed her.

Eno rubbed her eyes and stretched. When she got ready she met him outside in the kitchen.

"Eat something quickly." He said.

Jin said "Ah, don't rush her."

Agust D. said "We have people waiting."

They all quickly ate something and left the apartment.

"You'll help me with what I do." He said as he walked into the village.

"Oh, son. How can we help you?" A elderly lady asked.

"No, what can we help you in?" Agust D offered their help to her.

"Oh, you guys probably have so much to do." She answered back.

"We don't." Eno said with a pleased smile.

"Oh, you have a girlfriend? Future, wife I see. Congratulations, son!" She brought him into a rough hug and Eno wanted to laugh at his face expression. She pulled Eno into a tight killing hug but in a good way.

Eno said "I'm just helping him. That's it."

Agust D. looked over at Eno and the elderly lady said "For now. It's impossible not to fall for a young handsome man like him."

Eno smiled akwardly and rubbed her neck.

"Come come come." She said as she walked to the back of the small store.

"Take these boxes outside." She ordered and they did one by one.

She fixed up her vegetables and fruits up on the table for it to be sold to the public.

"I like her." She whispered to Agust D. but Eno still heard.

"Me too." He whispered back with a smile.

"Have a good day!" She said as they both left.

"Did you hear what she said! Oh my. This is great!" Eno said with a big smile on her face.

Agust D chuckled. "I'm glad you like her too. She's very sweet and kind."

"Where are we going now?" Eno asked.

Agust D. said "We'll offer our help to anyone that needs it. If no one is in need then we'll walk around just to see if everyone is ok."

"How can we help?" Eno asked.

"Take these blankets over to our other location. So, that way we can sell some over there too." A woman stated.

Eno took the blankets and Agust D took packs of hay with him.

"All these people working their butts off but what about Yoongi? He just sits in his throne and kills people."

"He has too. That's how he steals from the people to give you all food." Agust D. stated.

Eno sadden at the thought of all those innocent people getting killed.

"Don't feel to bad. Some of those people really are thefts or killers." He cheered her up.

After, they did that they helped a man with transporting water to another near by village.

"You have your own car?" Eno asked very shocked and impressed.

"Yeah, how you think we took Yrel out of the village? By horse?" He asked as he laughed.

"I didn't think you had a car. I always seen you walk around and that's it." Eno informed him as she got in his car. They drove away and she looked out the window.

"Is she in this village?" Eno asked as she looked back at him.

"I think it's best if you don't know her exact location just for your and her safety." He gave her a soft smile.

She sighed. "Thank you for helping her and me. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here."

"I don't want to see you worried or threatened by his stupid games. No one should be hurt because of you." He said as he drove.

She tried not to show him a smile but it was hard. When they arrived they brought the water in and Eno thought it was to sell but it was actually for them to drink.

"They don't have clean water out here. These people are in much of need." Agust D informed her.

Eno saw how happy the people were and it made her think.

"This place belongs to Yoongi too?" She asked.

"Yeah, it does. He can do whatever he fuckin wants with the people. As you can see how he treats them." He said kind of angry.

They went back to the village and it was quiet.

"I wish he could do his fuckin job right but he doesn't want to." Agust D hissed.

Eno didn't say anything as she got in her head as maybe she could get him to do something about the people.

"But don't worry. That's why we are here. We'll fix this soon." He last said to her.