"FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!" People from the village shouted from outside Agust apartment.

"Stay here." Agust quickly stated before looking outside.

Jimin gasped "The village is on fire!"

Jin shouted "Hurry up! Let's go!"

Eno got up. "I'm helping and I don't take a no as an answer."

Agust groaned as he didn't agree but he had no choice but to accept her offer. They all ran outside to help put out the fire. Smelling all the smoke made Eno feel sick. She was helping but had to stop.

Agust looked back at her. "What's wrong?"

"I think I'm going to throw up." Eno covered her mouth.

Agust wasn't stupid but he didn't want to judge her. He gulped as he suggested. "Go back home..."

Eno gazed away from him as she didn't reject his suggestion. She walked back slowly and Agust sighed.

Jin quickly asked. "What happened?!"

Agust looked back at him and said "She's not feeling well..."

Jin eyebrows went up and Agust grew silent. Jungkook shouted. "WE NEED MORE WATER!"

When they finally put out the fire it was in the middle of the night and they headed back home.

"Eno isn't home!" Rm shouted.

Tae said "There's a note!"

Agust quickly grabbed it and all the boys looked at him. He read out loud "I'm sorry Agust but I went back to the palace where I belong. Please, don't come looking for me because I'm pregnant with Yoongi's child. I'll continue to help the people from the village but we can't be together. I only have eyes for my child and Yoongi. Now, that this happened I fell deeply in love with the King and my baby. I'm sorry I wasted your time but please don't harm the king. He's the father of my child and I want him to have a father." Agust sat down in the nearest chair from the dinning table as he couldn't believe he won again.

"This is obviously fake!" J-hope shouted in anger.

"Wait that could be your child." Rm gasped as it slipped out his mouth.

Agust said "Something's off here..."

"What do you mean?" Jin asked.

"Yoongi took Yrel!" Joohoney burst into Agust apartment.

"Bingo!" Agust stood up and all the guys looked at him very surprised.

"I'm sorry but they burst in a few hours ago. They killed alot of my people and I couldn't get to her in time." Joohoney stated anxiously.

"We'll save her." Agust looked around at the boys to get ready to attack.

"How? The guards don't let anyone in unless if they catch you." Jimin asked confused.

"I'll get one of the guards to be on our side and that way they can get me in." Agust informed them.

Joohoney said. "Count me in anything. I want Yrel to be fine."

Agust chuckled. "You fell for her that fast?"

Joohoney stated "You know very well the king wants her head. I wouldn't forgive myself if I saw her head hanging from the palace roof with the rest."

Agust said before going to his room to think of a clear plan. "We'll wait until the guards show up early in the morning."

Jungkook asked the guys in a whisper. "The real question here is...Will he save Eno too or just Yrel?"

Rm answered softly. "She's pregnant with the king's child. I don't think he will..."