Parked in front of the Universities campus was a luxurious Lamborghini coupe. Students were wondering who these rich people were waiting for when suddenly, Alfeios appeared and approached the car.
He was already the topic of the day with everyone hearing the news of him going to take on three Class-S rank students all by his lonesome. Girls were dazed while guys were enraged.
"You're here young master,' said a guy awaiting Alfeios presence.
"Hey there Kisnaiver. Hope I didn't keep you waiting," Alfeios responded happily.
"That's trivial young master, I'll wait for however long you wish, " Kisnaiver replied.
Kisnaiver was a personal guard for Alfeios and currently ranked eleven within the TREASURES organization with unbelievable talent. He is also a magician with a specialty in long-range attacks. Kisnaiver then opened the car door allowing his young master to enter.
The drive was quiet but soothing to Alfeios since he was thinking of speaking to his father about the Four Kingdoms uprising. It was due to Alfeios him that he didn't decide to take action against the kingdoms immediately after those five years.
Upon the arrival at TREASURES HQ, Alfeios stepped out of the car like a charging bull to his father's office.
"You're here," said Anapo when Alfeios appeared out of nowhere yet again.
"Yes, an-" before Alfeios could finish his father said, "Before that, I heard about your little duel coming up."
"What of it?" Alfeios asked.
"I don't want you to injure them too much, just don't let them look down on us," Alfeios father responded with an insidious smile covering his face.
"Oh okay," said Alfeios with a feeling of uneasiness.
He quickly got back to what he wanted to discuss. "The Four Kingdoms, you knew of it yet you didn't tell me!" exclaimed Alfeios.
He continued by saying, "You knew that were in an unfamiliar world filled with mysteries. And also about the kingdoms movement?" as Alfeios could finish his sentence his father interrupted,
"This is the reason why. it's because of your temper, I was hesitant because you could lose control of your bloodlust for revenge," he said.
"If you don't make a move sooner or later, I will," Alfeios immediately relied on a vicious look on his face disregarding what his father just states.
Alfeios looked as if he was going to disappear but his father instantly caught on to this and managed to grab his arm. Alfeios shook hold of his grip knowing what his intentions were.
"You're going to stop me?," said Alfeios.
Alfeios mind was clouded by anger when he raised his left arm he got control of and was about to deliver a blow to show his resolve at the same time his father went on the defense to attack.
"STOP THIS!" a voice said inside the smoke that was caused by Alfeios and Anapos' blow. It was Rockwell, a member of The Ten.
He was in between Alfeios and Anapo with each of his arms occupied blocking their blow. It made sense since he's one of the few that can stop a minimal attack of these two beings.
"Instead of aiming your fist at each other mindlessly, why don't you leave that for the approaching enemies," said Rockwell in an enraged temper.
Alfeios and Anapo backed off quietly. "Ahh, sorry," They both said simultaneously.
Immediately after Alfeios muttered, "I think I need some fresh air to cleanse my thoughts."
Before leaving his dad said, "We'll discuss the matter on further notice when you're finished with tomorrow's scuffle," said Anapo, feeling a little ashamed of what just happened. He too then headed out for some air.
Rockwell had a physique of that of Alfeios since he was trained by him quite a few times. He also had similar dreaded hair like that was green Alfeios but with golden eyes. Rockwell was about to clean up the mess when he heard it, the building of TREASURES HQ that was deemed indestructible was damaged.
Both the walls that were behind Alfeios and his father started to crumble in, with pieces of shards slowly falling from the walls. All this happened from the wave of force from their fist, making an impact with the walls behind each other. Rockwell sighed before wondering what would've happened if they had made contact with each other.