In the lab, Black Shepherd was getting treated as Alfeios and his father entered.
Anapo was the first to ask "How's the treatment going so far."
KJ was the one who quickly responded with, "It's going excellent master, he'll be fully recovered in a few minutes."
"That's good to hear, don't mind us and proceed as you see fit," Anapo said.
It was always a spectacle to watch Suzanne and KJ in action. They effectively elegantly used all their tools when treating their patients. Alfeios never got tired of seeing their nimble hands at work. They were closing wounds to stop blood loss while looking at X-rays to see any broken bones in need of reparations. But there was a problem they couldn't solve which came as a shock to everyone. Even their advance technology couldn't decipher the problem.
There was a mysterious dark matter that couldn't be eradicated no matter what techniques they tried.
"It seems this thing is draining his life force," Suzanne said to KJ. KJ had the same thought when he realized some degraded bones and skin in Black Shepard's body.
"What's the matter!" Anapo spoke up noticing their reaction.
"Well, there seems to be a rather peculiar problem," said Suzanne.
She then explained the dark matter and what's happening to Black Shepard's body. Alfeios had slipped by them to quickly investigate.
"Ahh, I think I can solve this," he said.
"R-really!," Suzanne and KJ said before looking at Alfeios. Anapo on the other hand understood what his sone meant by that statement.
Alfeios unwrapped the section of the bandage on his right arm just around the fingertips. He then placed his hand on Black Shepard's chest and a radiant light as bright as the sun flowed into his body.
On the x-ray, they witnessed as the bright light located the dark matter and devoured it whole. As if this wasn't already unbelievable, Black Shepherd's body started to age in reverse, he had gotten young, not looking much older than Alfeios himself. Everyone's eyes were wide open as they've never seen such a thing.
"Wh-what was that just now," both Suzanne and KJ exclaimed in astonishment simultaneously.
Alfeios giggled then said, "Just a trick I picked up, no need to worry the problem is solved now."
They were both still flabbergasted by Alfeios feat despite all that he solved a a troublesome matter for the as of it were trivial. Seeing this, Suzanne and KJ rushed over to Black Shepard's body to finish the treatment while still in a shocking state.
Moments had passed and the treatment of Black Shepard was over. He was now finally regaining consciousness which meant Suzanne and KJ's work was done.
Anapo walked up to them and said, "Great job as always," while resting a hand on each of their shoulders.
He then continued, "We'll be needing a moment with your patient."
Without saying a word but feeling content both Suzanne and KJ took their leave.
"You're finally awake huh, brother?" said Anapo. Black Shepard turned his head to see who it was and a tear club bee was seen falling from his eye.
"Is that you brother," Black Shepard mumbled.
"Yes, yes it is big brother," Aanpo replied.