On his way, Alfeios was finally showing signs of discomfort. He was drenched, inhaling and exhaling heavily.
Leonnoticing this worriedly asked, "What's the matter Alfeios? What's wrong with you?"
"M-my powers, Arghh!" Alfeios shrieked midway into his sentence grasping his chest tightly.
"Alfeios! What do you mean by this?" Leon asked now being fully concerned.
"Hurry and take over, bring me home quick! " Alfeos exclaimed as he stopped the vehicle to switch places with Leon. Without question Leon hurriedly switched seats with Alfeios before speeding off.
Upon their arrival, Alfeios body was inundated in sweat as he rashly got out of the car in his torn clothes and entered Treasures. Jundeager's who were present could see Alfeios face of agony.
"Young master! Are you alright?" someone asked.
"Go get father now!" Alfeios shouted while he grasped his chest tighter.
The Jundeager acted accordingly to Alfeios orders. Leon came in behind Alfeios and saw him I'm kneeling on one knee in anguish. And in a matter of minutes, Anapo appeared to see his son suffering.
"Tell me, WHO DID THIS TO YOU?" Anapo said with a look of death on his face.
"This isn't anyone's fault father, argh! T-this has to do with my powers. I think over-exerted them" Alfeios responded while stuttering halfway before finishing. After a little observation, Anapo could see his son's power soaring exponentially.
"Get Suzanne and KJ to bring him to Section 8," he said in a concerning tone.
Section 8: A hidden place built in the Treasures to hold captive of the uncontrollable Jundeagers. When a Jundeager is having a massive breakthrough, this is where they would go to maintain that power from surging to the outside. As for Alfeios, Section 8 was mostly secured for him since that incident.
When Suzanne and KJ arrived they spared the chit-chat and made haste with Alfeios to Section 8. Anapo and Leon followed suit. After going through a variety of securities and presiding underground to Section 8, they lead Alfeios into this forcefield without them entering. They then sealed up the forcefield and left Alfeios there. They soon notice Alfeios struggling to catch his breath as his temperature significantly rose.
Suzanne and KJ took noted little detail within Alfeios condition. Soon after, the whole group glanced at Alfeios back. On the left side of his back, a tattoo started to imprint itself on him. It began to form in the picture of a giant lizard-like creature. If you looked carefully you would realize that the resemblance was that of the creature that The Alpha saw when he stared deep into Alfeios eyes.
"What is that?" Anapo mumbled.
"Well, maybe but I'm not sure," Sasha spoke up subconsciously knowing what it was.
Unexpectedly, Alfeios eyes began to close as he fell to the ground. Anapo being a worrisome father tried permeating the force field when KJ stopped him and said,
"He's just unconscious right now, we should wait and see what happens." Anapo was hesitant but didn't take it any further.
*Somewhere In Alfeios consciousness*
Alfeios could be seen standing in an empty black void. In all directions, there was nothing but darkness. That was until Alfeios heard a huge tremor.
Something big was coming from beyond the dark. The thing that was revealed from behind the darkness was a massive theropod. It had a body that could be estimated to be 50-feet long and 30-feet high. It's razor-sharp teeth and ferocious face made it seem impeccable. But the most noticeable was its skin, it had red patterns on its elongated back and red spins protruding from it.
Suddenly, it stopped dead in front of Alfeios. "You're finally ready," the creature said.
Alfeios was still stunned by its presence and it being able to talk before he replied, "What in the world are you?"
"Heh, to think you don't know who I am, the most famous amongst hybrids, a creature of destruction, The Indominus Rex," the creatures roared in a vicious voice.
"But what are you doing in my-," before Alfeios could finish.
I. Rex intervened, "I reside in here because I am also a half of your true powers."
"So are you implying that there are certain levels to my power which I am yet to unravel?" Alfeios responded.
"Yes and no, the more you maximize your magical capacity, that's when you'll find the truth about the powers of Life and Death hehe," I. Rex responded with a chuckle towards the end.
Before Alfeios could say anything I. Rex said, " As of now your magic capacity is at four hundred and ninety-nine one thousand and after you wake up from this you'll finally be over the capacity of five hundred thousand. So long as you reach the next breakthrough which is nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand you'll find out more because I am merely a fraction of your powers."
Alfeios was struck by this information as he realized that he had much more room for growth. And just when he thought he was already overpowered.
"It seems my time is up but rest assured in due time you'll get a better insight of this extraordinary power hehe, " I. Rex chuckled again before retracting into the darkness.
Weird Alfeios thought as he noticed a little sinister smile from the Indominus Rex.