*2 year's ago*
When the Treasures HQ was midway founded, a crisis took place. In the training facility located just above the third floor of the building, Alfeios could be seen as somewhat unconscious.
The training facility which he was located in wasn't your typical modern training room. Though it was equipped with weights and plenty of other necessities, it also had more advanced technology. There were mechanical machines that could mimic perfect replication of yourself to practice against. This sed machine would observe your every action during your practice. And when you're done, all your flaws and mistakes would be pointed out for you to later correct.
Putting that aside Alfeios was strapped to a bed in the farthest section of the room. He was contained by a sealed tight glass that covered his entire body. He looked as if he was in agony, his eyes were closed but they were in a REM motion( Rapid Eye Movement).
His facial expression had a constant change, first looking angry then looking painful.
"What's the situation, Suzanne?" A person said as they entered the training facility, it was Anapo. He was talking to Suzanne whom he left Alfeios in her care.
"He seems to be very unstable, but we haven't found the problem yet," Suzanne replied in a worried manner.
"Tch!! This is never racking! Anapo exclaimed out of frustration. Suzanne was spooked by his reaction but a part of her came to an understanding.
"My son, whatever you're going through... fight it!" Anapo said as he places his hand on the glass separating him from Alfeios.
The training facility's system went off causing Suzanne and Anapo to convert their scrutiny towards it. Suzanne rashly crossed to the computerized section.
"This is bad!! This is bad!!" she shrieked in worry.
"Tell me! What's happening!" Anapo rushed over to Suzanne as he yelled.
"It's the young master! For some reason, his power level just keeps rising!" Suzanne expressed anxiously.
"WHAT! What do you mean it keeps rising!" Anapo said with an apprehensive manner.
"The system can't handle this overwhelming power! We have to do something and fast" Suzanne yelped as a horrifying expression crossed her face.
It looked as if Anapo was about to say something but just then,
The glass that Alfeios was once sealed in shattered. Both Anapo and Suzanne circled to discern Alfeios slowly unfolding his eyes. He slowly got off the bed immediately turning to face them. His eyes had a slit down the middle similar to snakes' eyes. He had claws extended from his fingers a few inches. But the most noticeable was the black red aura accumulating around his body. Every utility in the training room was on the verge of being destroyed due to this incomprehensible power.
"What on earth is going on?" Suzanne stuttered as these words escaped her lips.
Alfeios, who was standing a few meters from them let loose a devious smile.
"ALFEIOS! RIGHT NOW YOU NEED TO REGAIN CONTROL OF YOUR POWERS!" Anapo yelled at the top of his lungs hoping that his son will hear him through all the commotion going around.
Without a word, Alfeios took a step and was now dead in front of Suzanne. His hands were directly about to pierce her heart.
The impact of Anapo grasping hold of Alfeios hands made Suzanne blew back a few steps crashing into the computerized system.
"LISTEN TO ME! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF." Anapo said to Alfeios with a cold stare that could send shivers down one spine.
What happened next wasn't a surprise to Anapo. Alfeios smiled as he ripped his hands from Anapos grip. They were now facing each other, eye to eye. It was Alfeios who made the next move. He tightened his knuckles as he released a barrage of fists towards Anapo.
Back and forth fist was being thrown. Some hitting their mark and some being averted. But after a few blows, Alfeios was now the one overpowering his father. Alfeios had a crazed smile across his face now that he was gaining control of this close combat battle.
Where in the world did I get such a monster? The power behind each of his blows just keep increasing. Even the training room that I built somewhat indestructible is being demolished from pieces to pieces. Anapo's mind was filled with all these thoughts while he was being pummeled. However, during the midst of almost being fully overpowered, Anapo utter these words,
"The first of the first, Yet the worst of the worst, ASSEMBLE MY TEN!"
Immediately after these words escaped his lips a crash came through the walls of the training room. Ten figures appeared out of nowhere, and their target was Alfeios.
They've arrived Anapo thought.
Realizing that Alfeios was in a deranged overwhelming state, four of the Ten made their move.
Both Maèl and Mathis instantly charged at Alfeios and caught hold of each his arm. Arakbar then vanished from his spot and appeared before Alfeios with a sword drawn to his neck. Goat appeared behind Alfeios and palmed the back of his head. As for the other six, they attended to Anapo and Suzanne.
"Hey!" Arakbar stated with a deadly gaze in his eyes.
"Don't make another movie." both Maèl and Mathis savagely continued Arakbar's sentence.
"Forget being the young master, we'll kill you," Goattroffer said finishing their sentence in a ruthless tone.
"I guess we're right on time," Rockwell said as he helped Anapo up.
"Truly, Rockwell" Anapo replied.
"Seems the young master's powers are spiraling out of control," Omega said as he was standing back in an alarming stance.
Before another word could be spoken by anyone else a blood-curdling roar could be heard.
A massive power surge escaped the aura surrounding Alfeios as he roared in a disoriented voice. All four members of the Ten that surrounded him were pushed back.
"Unbelievable." all four of them said simultaneously. They then looked at each other as if they knew what to accomplish.
"You guys need to force him to regain his consciousness, " Anapo spouted before all four of the Ten charged at Alfeios.