Back at the Arena, eyes were locked into the battle that was about to unfold.
"I know that you're here to fight for your team's victory but this is where your winning streak ends," Hae Sung said with a devious smirk towards Corrina.
"Your not the judge of that," Corrina simply replied as she pulled out a dagger from behind her back.
"Suit yourself, don't say I didn't warn you now," Hae Sung said with a shrug of her shoulders before she too pulled out her dangers that were attached to her thighs.
"Ohh it's about to start now," said an audience member.
"Shh! Shh! Be quiet," another member immediately demanded silence as he pressed his index finger against his lips.
"Well! Here I come!" Hae Sung yelled as she punched off at an immense acceleration towards Corrina.
As Hae Sung closed the distance Corrina transitioned herself into a defensive stance. Hae Sung who was now mere inches away from Corrina slashed her daggers downward in an X-shape.
Corrina managed to party both her daggers. She's fast Corrina thought to herself after feeling the speed behind Hae Sung blows. But Hae Sung wasn't finished there, she instantly commenced her second string of attacks. And in all orientations she slashed: vertical, horizontal, and diagonal.
Corrina blocked, evaded, and deflected as much of Hae Sung's attack as she can while being pushed back to the edge of the stage. Darn! I need to get her on the defense she thought to herself.
The moment that thought left Corrina's mind she noticed a falter within Hae Sung's right arm that was aiming an attack at her downwards. Nows my chance Corrina reckoned before she used her left arm to knock the dagger from Hae Sung's right arm. Without giving Hae Sung any breathing space Corrina swipes her right arm at Hae Sung's stomach.
A slit appeared across Hae Sung's abdomen even though she leaped back to abound the attack. That could've been dangerous she thought.
"Oh, you managed to graze me. I guess you're not as bad as I thought," Hae Sung said with a smirk while she wiped the blood from both her abdomen and torn robe.
"Hmph," Corrina snorted at Hae Sung's statement with a vicious expression across her face.
"Though, you are still not my match," Hae Sung simply replied then continued," Assasins Ability: Night Stalker."
Immediately after Hae Sung activated this ability a dozen clones of herself simultaneously surrounded Corrina.
"Now! Let's see how you defend against this," Hae Sung asserted as she smirked at the surprised Corrina.
So far during the match, the audience has been silently watching the battle. However, a few in the stands did cheer on Hae Sung after witnessing her gaining the upper hand against Corrina but that was until Corrina defended herself. As for the team leaders Vladimir and Soo-Yeon, they closely watched the match eagerly. Though Soo-Yeon wore a more relaxed expression.
Encircled by a dozen Hae Sung, Corrina could only ponder what's to come. But before another thought could surface within her mind Hae Sung and her eleven launched at her simultaneously. And with their daggers drawn, they slashed at her back and forth slowly slicing at first pieces of her outfit then eventually her flesh. Hae Sung's movements were so fast that Corrina was stunned in her position. But after a few minutes of her observation of the situation, Corrina realized something.
Ugh! She's fast and relentless making it hard to find a vacancy in her uncoordinated attacks.
*GROAN* wait! That attack just now! It felt different from the others. Oh, so that's it! they're not her clones but illusions Corrina reckon midway through her thoughts after she was slashed with an unfamiliar feeling.
Now the only thing to do is find the real one Corrina ended in her thought. But even that was difficult she stood there with slits covering her body as trickling blood dripped from her injuries.
"Come on girl! Has your luck run out? You will never be able to see through my attack with this performance of yours," Hae Sung taunted Corrina after realizing her struggle.
However, that taunt gave Corrina hope. "Assasins Ability: Trace," Corrina mumbled under her breath. This ability she used was now enhancing her hearing to trace a single sound, Hae Sung's voice.
"This is nothing!" Corrina spouted hoping that Hae Sung would reply so she can trace her voice to discover the real her.
"Oh, is that so?" Hae Sung responded cunningly before proceeding to attack.
There! Corrina thought as she discretely took a step back and swung her left arm that held the dagger behind her back at breakneck speed.
Corrina's dagger was met with the real Hae Sung's dagger. This caused Hae Sung's illusion to retract back to her body.
"You finally figured it out," Hae Sung inquired after witnessing her dagger stopped just before landing on Corrina's neck.
She then continued," Sadly you took too long to do so allowing my life second ability to grasp my victory".
"Tch! What do you mean! Are you scared now because I..." Corrina suddenly stopped her speech. She couldn't move an inch of her muscle as her body was now frozen in its position and her face coiled into despair.
"Now do you understand. Those slashed weren't ordinary, hidden behind them were droplets of poison that secretly made its way into your body through your injuries," Hae Sung said with a devilish smile towards Corrina.
Corrina tried to reply but to no avail. Her dagger fell from her hand while her vision became blurry. Unhurriedly, her legs felt as if they were noodles unable to stand.
Did I lose? Did I lose? How could this be? Corrina thought just before dropping towards the canvas.
Before her body fell, Mathis appeared catching hold of her in his hands creating a magnificent scene. And as Corrina's closed she could vaguely see the figure.
Mathis quickly held Corrina's body upright and gave Hae Sung a deadly look that sent a shiver to her core before strolling off the stage with the badly injured Corrina.
The aloof and rather christ-like silence that followed with the astonishing battle was interrupted by the speaker.
"Spectacular! Spectacular indeed! The first battle goes to South Korea, Hae Sung!"
Snapping back to reality the audience that was contained South Korean supporters roared in joy. Confetti's were being thrown down onto the platform below as they screamed their lungs out.
"At ease everyone! The tournament winner hasn't been decided yet! But the following battle shall commence once the teams have prepped their next contestants."
With that, the audience soon settles down and awaits the upcoming battles.
Hae Sung was now heading back to her station still shivering from the ominous pressure she felt from Mathis's gaze. She kept her head low with eyes wide opened eyes as she passed Soo-Yeon who now has his hands in either of his pockets.
Hmm...Soo-Yeon thought as he noticed Hae Sung's somewhat fearful state. He then turned around to face his team as she located her seat.
"Listen up. We might have won the first match with ease but don't forget they still have those formidable opponents of theirs. Mae Dae and Moo Jii, you two will be last.
Hanuel Ba you'll be fighting third and Je Jew you're next. Remember your orders, now go out there and give everything you've got!" Soo-aye on exclaimed to his team with a desirous expression plastered across his face.
"Yes sir!" They all replied in determination except for Hae Sung who was for some reason still stunned.
"Good," Soo-Yelm simply replied as he glanced at Hae Sung. What's for the town into you he thought before turning back towards the stage.
At the same time, Mathis could be seen carrying Corrina before Mrs. Elfise decided to warp her into her care. She suddenly left the Arena to get Corrina treated as all the other defeated participants had.
"I'll pay them back tenfold," Mathis stated as he took a glance towards Soo-Yeon and his team before locating his respective seat.
Wait! Does he have feelings for that girl? He's never acted like this before. It has to be if I'm not wrong that is Maèl thought while glancing at his brother.
"Elvis, I decide you'll be going up next," Vladimir soon disrupted the silence that lasted for a few seconds.
"Yeah, I'm ready," Elvis simply replied.
The tense pressure around their team left no more words to be spoken. They all knew this was their moment for their country to rise. Nobody knew it better than Vladimir, after being discarded as if they were a used cloth not in need anymore he desired to win this tournament.
Back on stage, the speaker stood there eagerly awaiting the next opponent to aboard the platform.
Soon enough his wish was granted.
Standing around 6-foot 1-inches a figure from the South Koreas team strode atop the stage. That figure was Class-SS Summoner, Je Jee. He had flashy pink hair that extended down just above his ears. His eyes that laid upon his finely etched face gleamed black. Whilst he wore a grayish coat with pink fur wrapped around his neck.
"Let us welcome our first contestant of the second match, Je Jee!" The speaker yelled in excitement, rallying the crowd with him.
He then continued after noticing Elvis now standing approaching the center of the platform, "And as for his opponent, I present Elvis Schneider!"
"Ahh, man, who you think is going to win?"
"It's pretty hard too but I think Elvis."
"Haha, you're an idiot! The winner will be Je Jee."
The mob exchanged dialogues during the speaker's announcement.
Meantime, the two opponents now faced each other. Je Jee glance around while Elvis looked dead at him. Je Jee finally noticing Elvis stare looked back at him and said,
"Hey man, you're kinda creeping me out here."
"Oh, my's purely friendliness," Elvis transition his gaze to a nonchalantly smile while patting the back of his head.
"If you say so," Je Jee simply said then turned to his right to face the speaker as if he were signaling him that he ready. The speaker confirmed that Elvis too was ready before saying,
"Since the both of you are prepped, you may BEGIN!"
For a moment the crowd shouted in fervor before the two oppositions commenced with their battle.
And as usual, Elvis leaped a few steps back and summoned his heart Gundoyan. But this time around after summoning Gundoyan he immediately fused into his Alpha form. Elvis seemed to be more pumped than ever for this battle.
"Hmm...that's a nice form...sadly it's not at its full potential, " Je Jee started after scouting Elvis up and down. Elvis was quite taken back to his statement before maintaining his focus on the battle before him.
Je Jee, then raised his right arm out in and grasping position then recited the phrase, "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth and evil for evil, I summon you, Centarus!"
Immediately after, a white aura started circulating Je Jee just before a beast came into view beside him. A centaur, half-human, half-horse.
The centaur stood at least 6-feet 7-inches equipped with a ginormous hammer of the same height. The centaur then glanced at Elvis after opening its eyes.
"PSHHT" The centaur snorted at Elvis.
"Hey, there pal. He might be big but what's that saying again.....the harder they fall, " Je Je asserted as he patted his Centaur before he turned towards Elvis with a devilish smile.
'Oho! That must be his ancient beast. I heard he defeated many talented people with that partner of his. I wish I had such an ancient beast!'
The throng expressions went from being intrigued to awe. They kept bartering dialogues as they became impatient to substantiate what was about to take place.
On the other hand, Soo-Yeon and his team seemed unfazed to the battle so far but Vladimir he was uncontrollably tapping his feet while his eyes were glued to the stage.
"Now! Get ready!" Je Jee continued in a yell before patting his centaur off to attack the Elvis. Je Jee centaur pushed on on all four legs and raced towards Elvis. Before closing the gap between them the Centaur rose its hammer to smash it downwards at Elvis.
Though Elvis blocked the blow it took him two arms and the impact caused his feet to sink a few inches within the platform. But thinking on his feet Elvis repelled the Centaur who receded his steps before rising to his hind legs. Before Elvis could knock him down a blow came from below directly to his chin.
Out of nowhere, Je Jee suddenly appeared to strike Elvis. Damn, that was unexpected Elvis thought before he recollected himself to attack Je Jee who was in front of him.
Elvis grunted as he was caught off guard when the Centaurs hammer pummeled into the left jaw, sending him flying to his right. And just before drifting beyond the stage Je Jee apple read yet again and delivered a blow to Elvis's torso sending him back to the middle of the platform.
"Are you witnessing this! What a marvelous display of talent from Je Jee! Elvis is currently being overpowered in this heart-racing situation," the speaker yelled as he spectated the match in content.
Along with that, the screams of the audience reached the heights of the Arena after witnessing the short exchange of blows between both participants. South Koreans chanted for Je Jee to keep up his pressure while Americans chanted for Elvis to fight back.
Whilst the two opposing organizations only awaited for the outside.
After being blown back to the center of the stage and withstanding some heavy blows dealt with him, Elvis's mind became lost in rage. I can't lose! I can't lose! I will not lose! Elvis yelling inwardly before flashing both his arms to his side revealing his sharp 4-inch claws.
He then dove towards the Centaur directly in a veneer of him and savagely sliced with both his arms back and forth scratching the Centaur's exterior membrane.
The centaur was now being touched back as the overbearing height of Elvis and powerful blows became too much to deal with.
Relinquished in the happiness of overpowering the Centaur, Elvis forgot about Je Jee who his presence before suddenly appeared behind Elvis and dug his hands directly into his chest grasping hold of his lungs.
Elvis began to cheese as he gasped for air. He felt as of he could fall unconscious any moment because Je Jee kept tightening his hold on Elvis's lungs.
"Sorry mate, but that's my beast your threatening to kill. I hope to understand. Surrender now and I shall spare you." He Jee muttered coldly.
I thought I was powerful enough. I thought I could grasp another victory. Instead, I was arrogant. I made my emotions get the best of me Elvis thought in sadness before stuttering in a wheezing voice,
"I-I g-give up."
After hearing those words Je Jee loosened his grip on Elvis's lungs cause Elvis to stumble to the floor. Je Jee walked around Elvis towards his injured Centaur before he knelt next to it, placed his hand on its lower half, and made it vanish. After that, he stopped right to face the speaker.