Mouths were sealed and eyes were glued to the single contestant who had the fastest match in history. He slowly strode towards the stage before stopping a few feet from the speaker.
"Hehe, I've been waiting for this. Now, our victory all depends on my performance," Leon spouted in a serious tone as he stared at Mae Dae who stood atop the stage.
Upon noticing Leon's determination and confidence within his voice, the group decided to keep quiet and await the final battle to unfold before their very eyes.
Leon quickly sprung from his sitting position before vanishing then reappearing just shy of the platform's center.
"Ohh...there goes that contestant again," "Who do you think is going to win?" "I'm not sure...that guy was pretty powerful in his last battle," "I think not! Mae Dae will win this one, I'm sure of it," "Haha, then why don't we make a bet," "Ha, you think I'm scared of a bet! I'll do it and watch as you lose!"
The audience murmured in anxiousness while many others decided to place bets to make a benefit from the battle about to transpire.
"Aha! Here we are at least ladies and gentlemen! We've reached the final battle that determines the rankings of both the contestants and their respective countries! On our left, representing South Korea is the one and only Mae Dae! And as for his opponent, a rising star that shook the audience from his last performance, Leon Jundeager!
Now, with that said, don't you all agree it's time to commence the last fight!" The speaker yelled in excitement as he rallied the crowd that did the same. The entire Arena was filled with screams from the uneasy mob who yearned for the match to begin.
While the crowd dialed down the two opponents had an exchange of words.
"I see you didn't disappoint me," Mae Dae said with an expression that showed satisfaction from Leon making it to the finals of the tournament. The reason for this was solely because he desired to face Leon the moment he laid eyes upon him.
"Likewise," Leon simply replied with a proud smile.
"Even so, I hope you give me a good show," Mae Dae stated with his gaze locked on Leon. Leon lowered his head and smiled before the speaker interrupted.
"Excuse me gentleman...but you see...if your ready then you may begin," the speaker uttered nervously while patting the back of his head with his eyes closed.
"Fair enough," Mae Dae said.
"Then, let's go," Leon said afterward.
As the speaker took a few steps back and the crowd died down to closely watch the match, Mae Dae made the first move.
"Here I come," Mae Dae muttered under his breath before drawing his sword before launching an attack at an unimaginable speed.
Unlike before, his opponent did fall from that single strike. Instead, Leon deflected Mae Dae's blade using his left hand which was now covered with Manticore scales.
He's fast...very fast. No wonder he defeated that girl so easily. If it were not for my descendant's physical abilities my hand would've been gone by now Leon thought with a smile even though he felt his hand trembling.
"Good, you're one of the few that can escape my strike. It seems this battle will be very fun," Mae Dae said as he turned around to face Leon who barely gazed behind from over his shoulders.
"I'll have to take this more seriously," Leon thought as he fully turned around revealing his transformation.
"Ohhh's about to get exciting!" "Yeah, it seems he's gonna use that form again," " So what! Mae Dae is still gonna win!" "I think so too! He's already got a plan for this!"
The audience chatted amongst themselves after noticing Leon transforming.
On stage, Leon's clothing started to rip as he grew a few inches before his tail and wings protruded from both his back and behind. His facial features shifted onto that of a lion as he shook his mane.
"So this is your true form? Heh, let's see how it fairs against my mastery," Mae Dae stated with a smile before he charged at Leon, yet again.
With the sword in his right, Mae Dae slashed down at Leon who dodged to the left. Realizing he missed Mae Dae slashed horizontally to his left just as Leon performed a 360 spin over Mae Dae's blade.
And whilst in mid-air before landing, Mae Dae retracted his sword in a horizontal direction, this time towards his right to attack the airborne Leon. But Leon quickly caught on when he used his scorpion tail to avert Mae Dae's attack causing them both to be repelled back a few feet.
Hehe....he's very good. Being able to control his muscles at will while being in mid-air. Even more, he blocked and evaded all my attacks so far. Or maybe it's this form of his that's the problem? Mae Dae pondered with a smile due to him enjoying the battle so far.
*Sigh* luckily I'm able to keep up with his fast attacks Leon thought as he recuperated himself to make an attack.
Engulfing his body with magic Leon flapped his wings before flying directly towards Mae Dae who charged back at him.
The collisions of Leon's hand and Mae Dae's blade cause a massive explosion that shook the Arena.
"Come on! Is that all you've got! Give me more!" Mae Dae yelled at Leon during their collision though he was acting out of character. The usual Mae Dae was quiet and easy-going but the current him was excited and riled up in battle.
Seems he's finally found an opponent to enjoy himself Soo-Yeon on thought as he kept a focused gaze at the match.
"Look at him go," Je Jee stated with a smirk.
"He's feeling it right now," Hanuel Ba intervened still aching all around his body.
On stage, the two opponents propelled away again but at a farther distance than before. Mae was the first to attack this time as he launched at Leon.
After closing the distance he entered a series of fists and kicks mixed with a variety of sword techniques at Leon.
From right hook to left jab, than to right high kick then a left low kick that harmonized with his pentagon sword strikes. Mae Dae did it all but that was until Leon started blocking them, matching the same pace as Mae Dae.
Ohoho...I knew he could do it. As time passes the more we fight the more he learns. He gradually gets stronger! Is that the skill of his form? Mae Dae wondered as he deducted the prolonged match.
"Ohhh, man! They look evenly match!" "I know...who would've thought this Leon guy would give Mae Dae such a problem," "I still believe Mae Dae will no matter what!" "Hah! I guess we'll see,"
Now, even more, the captivated audience watches the intense battle that rattles their minds.
I need to stop this farce right now Leon thought before he deflected a sword slash with his left arm then blocked a punch with his right arm.
"Assassin's Ability: Puncture!" Leon yelled as he brought his two arms together and directed a double punch towards Mae Dae's abdomen.
Mae Dae grunted as a mouthful of blood projectile from his mouth just as he was blown back a few steps. He suddenly landed on one knee embracing himself upright with his sword.
Dammit! That one hurt Mae Dae thought before standing upright back on his feet. He then raised his sword in a vertical position and held it just a few inches away from his face.
"So far I've been enjoying this match but I think it's time to go all out," Mae Dae said with a smile aimed at Leon as the platform before him erupted while a mass of magical energy was secreted from his body.
He then continued to yell the words, "Combined Ability: Overload!"
This ability was the fusion of both Mae Dae's Warrior powers and Hunters powers, that boosted his overall magical prowess.
The magical energy that circulated his body infused itself back within him. And though the crowd was confused as to what happened, both Leon and his team knew that the battle was just getting started.
So he's bringing both his powers into one...I guess I need to be prepared for what's to come Leon thought as he carefully speculated Mae Dae.
Mae Dae released a breath of hot air before looking up at Leon then mumbled the words, "Let's go."
In the blink of an eye, Mae Dae appeared before Leon wielding his sword that aimed towards the right of Leon's neck.
The blow that was assumed to directly hit Leon was stopped when Leon reach across with his right hand to stop the attack. And thinking I quickly on his feet, Leon used his right leg to deliver a kick towards the right side of Mae Dae's lower body.
The blow sent Mae Dae flying towards Leon's left but hat momentum of being flung away was quickly stopped before Mae Dae charged at Leon once again.
"Combined Ability: Aerodynamics," Mae Dae muttered as he closed the gap between him and Leon.
Mae Dae seemed as if he were about to slash at Leon but completely disappeared right before him. Well, to Leon he did but in actuality that ability allowed Mae Dae to travel within the air and attack from any position while doing so.
Wait! Where'd he do? Where is he? Beside? No....behind? No...Leon thought as he circled in search of Mae Dae. That was until he felt pressure coming from above. The moment Leon locked up he had to act fast.
A sword strike from above was blocked by Leon with both arms as he was forced to one knee.
*Grunt* This so overwhelming. If I don't hurry up I might lose this battle. Leon thought as he strives to stop the immense blow from above.
"ROOARRGHHH!!," Leon released an ear-shattering roar which causes the entire Arena to clasped their hands against their ears hoping to block out what little of the noise they can.
At the same time, Leon pushed up from his kneeling position to propel Mae Dae in a backward direction.
To think he stopped one of my most undetectable ability Mae Dae thought as he landed on his feet just before wiping a blood trail from his mouth.
But before he could reckon of anything else's a palm appeared before his face that took him by surprise.
So fast! Mae Dae exclaimed inwardly before the sed palm grabbed hold of the back of his head before reeling its head inward to meet a fist engulfed with magic.
A very up-close ouch was delivered to Mae Dae's countenance. A fish of blood covered Leon's fist as he retracted his punch. And before Mae Dae could react a few more were delivered. The only reason he didn't fly backward was that Leon had his other than keeping him in his knelt-down position.
The crowd watched the scenery with mixed emotions for expressions such as enthusiasm and confidence to disappointment and uneasiness.
As Leon pummeled Mae Dae's face a glint of hope was lit within his supporters as he halted Leon's final blow.
"Are you done yet?" Make Dae struggled to inquire as he took hold of Leon's first which was just a few inches away from his already beaten up face.
And before Leon could respond a sharp tingly feeling struck him by his abdomen. He gazed down to see that Mae Dae's sword was implanted within him.
Leon grunt as he looked back up at Mae Dae who wore a devilish smile.
"Oops, I guess my hand slipped. But worry not for the match is over," Mae Dae boldly proclaimed as massive energy transported itself from him to Leon.
Leon screamed as he felt the burning energy drilling itself within his body.
What is this!? I-It's digging deep within me! How is transferring such deadly energy to my body Leon thought in a worrisome manner.
"Don think too much, just let our little time left tell the tale," Mae Dae whispered towards Leon.
"Hehehehe," Leon started to chuckle as if he realized something.
"You've made a big mistake trying to corrupt my magical energy," Leon muttered before continuing,
"Combined Ability: Energy Dissolution." The moment those words escaped his lips Mae Dae became motionless.
Wait! What's happening? My ability!? It's backfiring!! Why? *AHHH*
Mae Dae thought before a blood-curdling scream escaped his mouth. The ability that Leon used returned the corrupted energy towards Mae Dae by ten folds. Mae Dae felt as if his insides were being tossed into a furnace.
This can't be! He had such an ability!? If only I'd known! Mae Dae clenched his teeth as he struggled to stop the energy but it was unstoppable because Leon's ability gave him full control over the energy that was boiling within Mae Dae.
As the scene commenced, all eyes glued their gazes onto the stage awaiting the victor. Vladimir and Soo-Yeon on either side of the stage sprung from their sitting position as they knew that whatever happens next will decide the champion of the tournament.
The crowd too speculated with wide-open eyes in shock as a butterfly feeling developed from within their gut.
I thought I'd win this one with that ability. Tch! I never knew he had such a counter Mae Dae thought as his hard-fought battle with Leon and the backfired energy consumed his mind before his eyes slowly closed while his sword fell from his hand before he fell to the floor paralyzed and unconscious.
"The victor had been decided, Leon Jundeager and his team, America!" were the words that flew from the speaker's mouth.
And as they did, eyes came popping from each individual's eye-sockets, nostrils opened up as wide as a cave's entrance, and jaws that hang as low as a Seesaw gaped with drool running from either side.
To them, those words could either be pleasant and relieving or overbearing and unsatisfactory.