Chapter 6: A New Friend


The classroom is nearly half asleep as Ms. Grumphan continues through her history lecture. She manages to leave some room to squeeze one final name on the bottom of the board. Then turning back toward her students, a hard stomp of the foot jolts several awake. 

"As I was saying, the last of the list is prince Wendell Chestna, who will be the twenty-fourth king upon taking the throne. The youngest to rule since King Louis the twelfth, which was only eighteen at the start of his reign. Remember these well since there will be a test on this material Friday for the seven of you. Now you have the few remaining minutes to yourselves." 

Their teacher heads back to her desk as small chatter fills the once dead room. Being one of the oldest it includes her in those required to take this impossible test. The brunette releases a frustrated sigh predicting she may fail even if pulling an all-nighter. It's just so many names to remember over the course of one short week. Whether names aren't spelled correctly or placed out of order in the slightest, there will be points deducted. The girl can't afford a bad grade and she is already a year above the rest of her peers. 

"What do you think you're going to do on the test, Frederick? It must be much harder for you, not a citizen of this country. I mean, even I'm having trouble absorbing it all... Frederick?" she questions, and apparently the boy hadn't heard a word she said. Her second call does grab his attention, however, having him blink a few times. Now adjusting his hat while he shoots her an apologetic smile.

"Oh, sorry bout that. I was zoned out for a moment there." 

"Is something wrong? You seem kinda distracted today?" 

Kana's no expert but anyone could tell his head wasn't there. Ms. Grumphan had to get on him more than once about paying attention. Not listening to the point where you stick out like a sore thumb with this bunch is saying a lot. 

"N-Nah, I'm just a little tired. Anyways, ya was talkin about the test on Friday?" 

"Yeah, it's a lot of names to memorize in only four days. I'm worried about how I'll do but can't imagine the score will be great." 

This statement causes him to yet again fall quiet, though it feels different from his previous daydreaming. After a long pause, the boy's fingers snap with a sparkle behind his black frames.

"I got it! Why dontcha try using a rhyme to help ya to remember? Like...Chestna Kirby fell down the dark sleek thirteenth feet deep well. That would probably make it stick better."

"Wow, I never thought of that. I'll have to give it a try when studying!" 

Interrupting their conversation, little children begin to flood the room. That is a clear sign school has ended for the day, and Saelufu running off ahead leaves the two of them alone. 

Glancing at him, Frederick seems perfectly fine compared to his gloomy mood earlier. Kana was shaken up given the chilling encounter she faced yesterday alongside the prince. Thankfully, some rest and spending time with her loved ones helped calm these nerves. Although curious about what could've happened in his case, it's not any of her business. 

"Hey, if you aren't busy why don't you come over for supper?" Kana asks him without a second thought. In normal circumstances, she barely invites people to visit her home, especially after the war. It's an everyday struggle to fill their own tummies, furthermore bring back an extra mouth to feed. Though recently, her mom lucked upon a deal with canned goods for a decent dinner, and she'd like to try offering him a warm welcome. 

"R-Really? Ya sure that's okay?" 

"Of course! I'm sure my mom won't mind and it'll be plenty enough to go around. This can be a way of thanks for you giving me that useful study tip." 

Frederick's surprise by the sudden gesture is written across his face. He might stand against the idea given they don't know each other very well. However, the boy's uncertainty doesn't linger as his lips curve upwards, and it's the first genuine smile she has seen from him since this morning. 

"I'll gladly accept. Thanks, Kana. What time should I be comin by your house?" 

"Six is our typical dinner hour. I'll meet you at Rainswood gate so we can walk together. Wouldn't want you to wound up lost by giving awful directions." 

"Alrighty, I'll be there." The two teens part ways as Kana detours for the Community Vineyard. She has to finish this workload in haste to not keep her guest waiting. Her mother still needs to be informed they're having company to whip up a larger meal.


Kana completes everything on her to-do list in just a short window until six o'clock. Left speed walking down the road to reach the front gate before he arrives. Luckily when the brunette gets there it's still a few minutes to spare. Frederick proves to be quite a punctual person, and after greetings are exchanged, she leads him to her residence. 

"Mom, I'm back!" she announces, stepping through the creaky door. 

The middle-aged woman slowly approaches the bottom of the stairs with her usual cane in hand. She got hurt about two years ago with an unfortunate fall that severely injured her back. It left permanent damage, and with her mom out of work, they just couldn't keep up with piling expenses. Soon the family of four lost their home in Aniex and were forced to downgrade to Rainswood. The absolute rock bottom according to the social ladder and labeled a place of no return. 

Based solely on the main area anyone could tell this house is an utter dump. Between the jagged floorboards and dingy walls that refuse to come clean, no matter how long she scrubs. Their tiny kitchen has little room for movement as the bare shelves show what limited choices they have to eat. Something is either broken or missing in every room which leaves her dad stuck with constant repairs. 

I tried being nice by offering Frederick to join us because he looked so troubled. Still, I hope he won't mind staying at a place like this for supper. I might've shown the prince around since he was interested, but I could never invite him over to a shack...

"You must be the friend she spoke of, right? I'm her mother, Michelle." she kindly greets, shaking hands with the boy.

Appearance-wise Rocco takes after her a bit more while she favors their dad. The middle-aged woman's short wavy hair is combed back and wearing the plaid dress she usually saves for formal occasions. Perhaps deciding to change since they do have company joining them this evening. 

Despite the fact that her mom can't hold a job in this condition doesn't prevent her from taking care of their home. Even when in a lot of pain she's a multitasker with chores, preparing meals, and does most of the shopping. It's this optimism that encourages the girl to put forth her best effort, unlike when they first came there. 

"It's a pleasure to meet ya. Thanks for having me over for supper," he replies, giving a small tip of the hat. 

"No problem, there is more than enough to go around. It's been a hot minute since we had any visitors, and I say the more the merrier. Now I just need to finish cooking, so why don't you relax for a bit. Kana, can you set the table?" 

"Alright." The brunette goes for the cupboard and retrieves bowls, cups, and wooden spoons. Although it's a four-member household, she skips setting any extra utensils. Kana highly doubts her dad will make it home this evening for it to be a fifth person seated at the table. The man has been active with work to provide for their family, and because of that, is now rarely ever home. She appreciates all he's doing to contribute but it does get a tad lonely at times. 

Once she is done her mom brings over a large pot of steamy stew. Adding to it some freshly baked bread with a cup of milk to wash it all down. Just the smell of it has her stomach rumble as she calls Frederick to join them. 

"I hope you like potato and carrot stew. I put a few of my own ingredients making this my signature recipe. The kids love it so much they'll eat the whole pot up by themselves if I don't stop them." 

"That only happened one time months ago!" Kana protests, the boy chuckling a bit causing her to do the same. 

Frederick takes the spot by the door while she sits right across from him. Her mom grabs one to the left of their guest leaving the opposite stool empty. Rocco is supposed to be home very soon, so his portion is already fixed when he enters.

Just as they settle down to hold hands the front door suddenly swings wide open. The culprit is none other than her father who tosses his worn shoes aside. She wasn't expecting him to make it back in time but a really nice surprise nonetheless. 

"Good evening, Dad! I didn't think you'd arrive home this early." 

Actually, if her sibling isn't late there won't be enough places for everyone to sit. In such a case this problem occurs; she will simply eat dinner standing up. Kana refuses to leave Frederick without a stool, plus having the whole family together is worth it. 

"You're probably tired so I can go fetch your bowl and stuff. Just let me readjust the table-" 

"Don't bother, Sweetie. Unfortunately, I'm not able to stay for a meal but only came for some presentable clothes. I have an urgent meeting with a nobleman in Everlane about a job available. If I can score this, it'll be a decent pay we truly need right now," The older man informs, then disappearing up the squeaky stairs out of sight.

It's her fault for getting over-excited before he had a chance to explain. The girl sighing softly as she flops down on the wooden seat, Michelle gives her a comforting rub on the back. Their family just feels more distant lately, but no matter what she says it won't get him to stick around, not even an extra hour.

The three silently wait to see him off first so they can begin eating before it goes cold. In no time flat, her father changes now dressed in a formal outfit. Kana shares with him a quick hug forcing a smile through her disappointment. 

"I hope you get the job, Honey. Still, don't go pushing yourself too hard, okay? You have the kids worried sick considering how little rest you have at night," her mom tenderly advises him. 

"I'm fine. This is a long process but me being a candidate for a job so valuable, I'd be foolish to bypass it. You shouldn't wait tonight either because this fancy dinner is going to wrap up pretty late." 

"Alright, I love you." The married couple exchanges a quick peck kiss on his way out the door. He tried scoring some high-paying job a couple of weeks ago but ended up empty-handed. Hopefully, this next attempt will have far better luck.

With that, they rejoin Frederick at the table and pray first before beginning to eat. Receiving a bowlful of her mom's specialty stew is enough to put on a smile that spreads from ear to ear. The brunette glances up curiously at the boy seated across from her examining his own. Though this might be one of her favorite foods doesn't imply he'll care much for it. Stew is a basic dish all the standard living class consumes, and they can't even afford to add meat in theirs like most homes.

"So how does it taste?" Her mom outright asks precisely what she is thinking. 

"It's really good! The spices you added help bring out the flavor. I can understand why they eat this up now." 

"Thank you, but you don't need to overpraise my culinary talents. I have always fancied cooking for as long as I can remember. Becoming a chef never did work out after getting married at a young age. Regardless, whipping up new recipes for my household now and then makes me happy." 

"And we could never grow tired of your cooking, Mom," Kana says, the woman giving her a tender smile. 

The conversation moves on to several topics, never having a dull moment between them. Kana learns more about Frederick's hobbies, including his lifestyle back in Narrok. No shock the southern boy loves to fish and that he's an only child.

When they're almost done eating the door creaks open again. This time, her older brother removes his shoes with a kick followed by a heavy sigh. He looks drained which would be sensible given the teen left out at the crack of dawn. 

"Welcome home," Kana greets glancing at his untouched meal. "Just now getting off work? Your stew is getting cold."

"I'll eat it later. I wanna wash up and rest a bit... Where's Dad?" Rocco's eyes dart to his usual stool which currently holds their visitor.

"He did stop through but couldn't stay to have supper. Your father is aiming for another one of those high-paying jobs in Everlane. They'll eat during the meeting so he won't be home until late."

Once these words leave her mouth his expression instantly shifts. The male mutters something Kana can't quite hear before turning for the steps. Although he doesn't get an opportunity to go up when their mother continues. 

"You've been hanging out much later recently. What kind of labor are you doing where you fail to arrive at a reasonable dinner hour? Look, I know you want to help provide but I can't have you working any odd jobs." 

That last remark causes him to scowl and she can feel the tension gradually rising. Kana fumbles with the bread in her hands knowing an argument is guaranteed on the sunset she invites a classmate. As she figured, Rocco stomps toward the table ignoring the company present.

"Suspect I'm taking on illegal business in the alleyways? You know our precious father returns to this house every night earning less and less copper. Just where do you think he's really sneaking off" --Kana swallows thickly as she tightly clenches her wooden spoon-- "day after day? I haul in with twice as many coins than him practically carrying this dump, yet you have the nerve to question what I've been doing?!" Rocco throws his pouch on the table in rage which barely misses the pot. The older teen doesn't stop as he storms upstairs and leaves the three in a rather awkward position. Her mother is quick to apologize for the disturbance although the silence remains. 

Why did Rocco have to blow up right now? Besides, dad struggles to find jobs willing to hire a person from Rainswood. It's different for kids since they take pity on us when seeking work. That's the sole reason he...

When they finish, she insists on dropping Frederick at the town gate while her mother begins tidying up. The two teens exit and walk without a word down the deserted road. Kana's mind is blank on what to say after the evening was going fairly well. 

"Um, I'm sorry you had to sit through that. We usually don't fight much, especially if guests are over." 

"Nah, it's alright. That was outta your control... I do appreciate ya havin me," Frederick adds, his smile much wider compared to this morning. Regardless of her family's dispute, he appears to be in a greater mood. Lifting his spirits is the exact purpose she brought him in the first place.

"Well, I'm glad you still enjoyed our food."

Soon they reach the entrance and upon saying goodbyes he departs. However, an idea comes to her causing the girl to spin around before Frederick gets out of earshot.

"Hey, wait a minute! I just remembered the parade is being held at the town square Friday night. Would you like to join Saelufu and me since you skipped the ball? It's a wonderful sight for first-timers even topping Greendale Hill." 

"Sure! Sounds like it'll be a blast." 

"Okay, we're meeting right outside the capital gate at eight. I can fill you in about the details at school tomorrow!" Kana shouts, giving another wave, and sprints off for home. Delighted, she thought to ask so he won't be missing out, though the dwarf might've invited him herself. Now there is just one final person she'd love to come along with them. 

💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌

The sun's rays shine brightly in the town square as Kana proceeds with her deliveries. Only three packages plus a letter remain and most of them are rather close by. Choosing to pick up her pace, she can use this free time to study for the history test tomorrow. 

Pressing onward, a particular figure has her change route giving the ash-blonde boy a polite bow. "Good afternoon, Your Highness. I would prefer a spring shower instead of this humidity." 

"Kana, hello. I agree some cold rain would be refreshing though I'm not fond of wet clothing either," he responds, and his gaze drifts to the wagon behind her. "Doing another job I see. Such hustle is indeed admirable on top of chores and studies. Some adults can learn a thing or two from the example you set." 

"...My work ethic isn't all that special," she mutters, the prince raising an eyebrow. 

After all, Kana merely works this hard because it might not be sufficient food to fill their stomachs. The previous bitterness once held in her heart when they moved to the slums is in no sense praiseworthy. Despite growing to appreciate her current blessings, the rotten envy does still creep up. Wendell's face falls at her quietness now forcing a masked smile done many times before. 

"T-Thanks, but I'm doing what anyone else could to support their family. Um, I planned to ask would you like to accompany me, Saelufu, and Frederick to the parade? He's a new friend of ours that is staying in Opal Forten for a while." 

"...I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't make it. I have a tight schedule tomorrow so I'll be stuck at the castle." 

"Ah, I see. That's to be expected since you're taking over the throne soon. I shouldn't have invited you at the last minute," she responds but left unsure if his answer was just an excuse. 

There's a possibility he must attend the parade beside his fiancee rather than spend it with us...

The brunette hasn't been told a thing except for Blanche's name. Perhaps Wendell was smitten the moment he laid eyes upon her like a children's fairytale. Curiosity about this girl won't leave Kana's thoughts but maybe for all the wrong reasons. 

"I should get moving as lessons are awaiting me back home. Have fun in my place at the parade." He turns to leave but suddenly stops with a small frown. "Oh, you deserve answers concerning the incident Sunday while I'm here." 

The abrupt switch from lighthearted chatter has her tense up just praying not to receive bad news. 

"My mother is currently searching for the other who escaped though no luck as to this point. Also, there...wasn't any confirmation Henry Schneider is alive, so try to rest easy. Those men might have acted on their own will and said stuff to simply arouse fear. In the meantime, stay cautious around Rainswood." Wendell's head only lifts at his firm warning, though an odd flicker is seen in his ocean eyes. 

"Okay, I understand. I've lived there almost two years, and I know to always be careful. Well, I'm off. Hopefully, you can still catch the fireworks tomorrow!" Kana sprints ahead pulling the loaded wagon as she goes. 

Regardless if he rejected to attend the parade his later talk is more troubling. She's not willing to forget the man who fled and threatened of Rainswood becoming pure rubble. Between this and the continuous drama at home, the girl surely needs a nice break. Looking forward to the festivities helps ease her stress as she knocks o

n the next home's front door.

A/N Here is chapter 6. How was the POV switch? The reasoning for this chapter will make sense later on. Stay tuned for the next update^^