Chapter 20: Complicated Feelings


The cozy stage is set as students just finished preparing for the next scene. It's one that's making his heart race with a mixture of emotions overtaking him. He shoots an accusing gaze toward the dwarf, her partially at fault. 

"Ms. Grumphan is going to call us out any minute now... I-I don't think I can go through with this." The prince begins to pace, his fingers running through the brunette wig he's careful not to knock to the floor. "Although you insist to be unaware of the script, I have my doubts." 

"I'm telling you the truth! I only knew vaguely about this play because of how popular it is. Had no idea that was a part of the role, but you are playing a married couple," Saelufu reminds him, which is a valid point. 

Today the class is rehearsing for the play being held in another two days. Everyone has already learned their lines by now, and the single task is to add actions to their speech. Up until this point, his lead role has been mastered, thus gaining him much praise from his peers and teacher alike. However, this intimate scene makes the boy so nervous that he almost wants to quit. 

"Frederick and Kana, it's your turn back up!" Ms. Grumphan calls, anxiety skyrocketing over the mention of his name. 

"Hey, look at it this way. We can see how Kana will react, and help you come to a decision about the proposal. Besides, do you wish your understudy would lock lips with her instead?" Saelufu taunts, this getting him to push aside any second thoughts and step out on stage. 

The tiny house dining area is where Kana patiently awaits him. Holding off for the teacher's signal, he slowly walks inside of their pretend home. Wendell tries his best to stay in character and ignore the loving smile that spreads across her face.

"Welcome back, Honey. Please, wash up and have a seat. I just finished making your favorite for supper. You must be exhausted with how much work the king has been piling on you lately. But at long last, those frightening war days are finally behind us." 

"Daniella, we need to talk..." He sets a heavy hand on the wooden table, which replaces her gentle smile with a slight frown. "A future battle is soon approaching because Elizabeth's daughter plans to attack in another week. She wants blood spilled for what befallen her mother..." 

It feels very strange for him to speak in a formal tone when wearing this disguise. A perfect combination of the prince's own mannerisms with Frederick's voice. Ms. Grumphan requested that he alter some wording since the character doesn't have a country accent. Temporarily dropping the normal quirks while trying to keep his usual facade is no easy task. 

"You're going to lead the army and face off against Yvonne, aren't you?" Kana questions, and he remains silent as she jumps up from her chair. Storming over, the girl tightly clings unto him with nothing but pure desperation in her eyes. "Why does it have to be you that risks your life?! Why can't that coward king fight one battle for himself?! Why am I not prevent you from leaving?" 

The brunette collapses to her knees being consumed by such deep sorrow. Kana portrays the torn wife role so well making this whole moment feel realistic. Although Wendell would hug her without hesitation if this wasn't a role--sticking to the script--he instead simply kneels to her level. 

"The king might lack courage but his uplifting attitude gives the people hope. There's a chance he can one day change, and for that very reason, I will continue to loyally serve him. Just like I had done for his father since my youth, but I must fight to protect the prosperity of this kingdom." Wendell gently sets his hands on the girl's trembling shoulders causing their eyes to meet.

"I see there's no persuading your heart from this mission. If you don't go, I suppose you would no longer be the selfless person I fell in love with. Even so, I can't bear to say farewell..." 

"I'll always love you, Daniella," he whispers, gently caressing her cheek. 

In the snap of a finger, the atmosphere has completely flipped. He faintly overhears male students complain that the two of them are allowed to kiss. The prince half-suspected their strict teacher would flat out object to such a scene. On the contrary, she gives them full permission but the more passionate kiss is modified to a simple peck. 

The pair staying like this rather than standing up does help to keep them at the same level. It would look a tad weird with the height difference if this next action was to be done on their feet. Regardless of his roused heart flutters, the prince nervously leans in for a short and sweet kiss. The few seconds they do so is bittersweet, imagining this memorable act would wait until their possible wedding day. Wendell almost forgets they're on stage in front of their class as Kana's lips give a warm touch he can't quite explain. However, the brunette suddenly retracts with her head dropped down low. The two were instructed to slowly pull apart, but she just went against the script.

"I'll pray for your safe return and patiently wait right here, no matter how long it takes," Kana utters her last line officially wrapping up this tender scene. 

Ms. Grumphan for one doesn't seem to believe anything was off with their performance. Moving to the next part of the play, his thoughts remained scattered by her behavior. Did Kana stop it out of embarrassment from acting intimately in front of their classmates? Perhaps that was the girl's very first kiss? Those facts are both true for himself though it could be an entirely different reason. He might've gone about this moment all wrong, or maybe she can't see Frederick in a romantic light.

Wendell wishes to speak on it, but he doesn't have a large window between scenes playing as the main character. After practice finishes, Kana is the fastest to take leave before he can hardly voice a goodbye. This raises even more confusion over her distant attitude, and what exactly went through her mind when their lips connected. 

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Wendell sluggishly makes his way home from a rather long class at the Royal Warriors Association. The prince now regretting the carriage driver wasn't ordered to stay, so he could've avoided travel on foot in such miserable heat. This whole week has been hectic whether juggling added lessons or learning multiple pages for the play. Thankfully, Saelufu did stick true to her word and helped him with practice. It's a good chance he probably wouldn't be prepared come tomorrow otherwise. 

I can't stop thinking about our kiss. The way it felt and her negative response as well...

"Ah, my apologies!" The prince excuses himself when colliding right into someone. Surprisingly, the girl who has occupied his thoughts all day appears as if he summoned her. Half of Kana's groceries escape the fallen bag speedily rolling along the crowded street.

"Oh, no, it was my mistake! I shouldn't be walking around with my head in the clouds."

"Allow me to clean them up for you," he volunteers, recollecting the food before any villagers injure themselves. It all has visible dirt--as to be expected--and is bruised to where he wonders how much these were sold. The ash-blonde detours toward the trash bin with a pang of stinging guilt in his stomach. "None of this is fit to eat but we can head over to the market and I'll replace everything."

"No, that isn't necessary!" Kana catches one from his grasp prior to the pear joining the other garbage. "They're still in decent condition so it would be a waste to just toss these out. Plus, I'm kinda short on time since I'm meeting with Alphonse a little later. I'll thoroughly wash them like I always do when accidents happen." 

The prince is dumbstruck while Kana blows off the fruits and vegetables she later plans to consume. If a piece of food ever hit the floor in his household, it would be labeled unfit to eat and then promptly discarded. Yet, for her family, each bag's contents are bought at a high price and shouldn't ever get thrown away. He gets reminded more frequently of the opposite lifestyles which they're raised under.

"Are you just coming from training?" Kana asks, switching the subject as she repacks her grocery bag. 

"Yes, I was on my way back to the castle. It looks like you have your hands full. Do you at least need some help taking all of that to the gate?" he offers, quite a heavy load the girl is carrying but she shakes her head.

"I can handle this much. Rocco can haul three times more without breaking a sweat. Besides, I'm job-free these next two days while focusing on the play, so running a few errands is the only thing on my to-do list." 

"I'm sure you can use the days off. Well, I don't mean to keep you where you'll fall further behind schedule. Do be careful on your trip home." Wendell turns to leave when she quickly steps in front of him.

"Wait! I wanted to invite you to it, if Saelufu hasn't already. Um, it'll be held tomorrow afternoon down at maple road. Our schoolhouse is putting on The Warrior Of The Knight, and I have a supporting role as Daniella. Given a few scenes were cut, it was modified to only last two hours," Kana softly voices, twisting at her hair ribbons which he can't help but find cute. 

"I would love to see the play but my agenda is somewhat tight... I most likely won't sit the entire time, though I'm certain I'll still enjoy a majority of it." 

"That's fine! I'm just happy you'll be there. Oh, I did talk to Frederick last week...about how you aren't really good pals with him. It's none of my business why you both are at odds, and of course, you two don't even have to exchange words. Also, whatever happens on stage is just a part of the script, though I guess that's stating the obvious, huh?" she adds, followed by an awkward laugh. 

He assumes their kiss scene must be what the brunette is most likely referring to. It would make sense to feel a bit odd about having a lover's relationship with his 'enemy' on stage. Although her simply brushing that off does still rub him the wrong way. 

"Daniella's role seems like a terrific fit for you. I know you'll do her justice."

"Hopefully I can. I should get these groceries home so Alphonse doesn't think I forgot about our outing again." Kana runs off in a much better mood than yesterday's post-rehearsal. "I'll be looking for you in the audience!" 

The prince detours to the shops with a couple of items he has to purchase for this plan to succeed. Naturally, he wouldn't agree to attend since it's impossible to be in two places at once. Despite that, a clever idea similar to his best friend's when designing 'Frederick' can apply here. He already has someone in mind to help and just needs to recreate his own image. 

In the town square, the ash-blonde passes noble girls around his age who give a small bow as he strolls by. However, they don't let him get out of earshot when the two loudly begin to gossip. He would ignore such pointless matters, but a particular name causes his feet to halt. 

"Don't you think it's strange how often Kana has been buzzing around him as of late? She isn't new to the kingdom or anything, but once hitting rock bottom, they become close friends. It's very clear why she values their so-called bond--or more the things she can get from it. I wonder what large amounts of gold that peasant is begging him for," The redhead grumbles, and her friend eagerly nods. 

"Honestly! With the prince being so kind-hearted, she's probably taking advantage of him. Now that he's engaged, I wish she would just leave His Highness alone." 

After these words, the girls get too far for him to strain and hear anymore. Those gossipers are acquaintances at best with the brunette, yet they're talking nonsense like the snobs figured her out so well. He obviously isn't sure if Kana would only want marriage to obtain such riches for her family. However, he can strongly vouch that she hasn't gone about begging from him even once. 

I cannot stand busybodies whose mouths flap with no productive way to spend their time. I'll pay no mind to those girls' false accusations of her and discover the truth for myself. 

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This afternoon is a hectic one like none other with it finally coming show day. Students flock around backstage to finish setting up for the play that's to commence in mere minutes. Amidst all the chaos, Ms. Grumphan maintains some order assigning each stagehand their jobs. 

"Now your group can continue preparing for the opening scene. Everyone else, please keep still for a moment! I need to do a quick headcount and make sure all the performers are here." The middle-aged woman silently takes attendance though frowns going over it a second time. "Has Pascal not arrived yet?" 

"Um, actually Ma'am, I passed by her house on the way here. Pascal's dad told me she was sick, so she won't be able to come," A boy mumbles, and no sooner does the bad news leave his lips than Ms. Grumphan stomps her cane. 

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?! Her understudy was Beatrice but we know she can't perform either. The role of Elizabeth is vital but who else do I have to stand in?" Their teacher's tired eyes desperately darted through her many students, which now stops at a brunette currently adjusting her shawl by the mirror. "Kana, you'd be perfect!" 

"Um, what?" The girl is clearly bewildered when she places firm hands on her shoulders. 

"You love this play to bits, therefore, I can hope that you're vaguely familiar with all the roles?" 

"Well, yes..." Kana hesitantly admits, twisting her hair ribbon. 

"Then I need you to fill in the role of Elizabeth. Yvonne's wicked mother plays a strong factor in her evil descent. It won't work if her role gets removed, but I have neither Pascal nor her understudy," Ms. Grumphan explains, a small hint of sympathy in the stern teacher's voice. "I'm well aware you were looking forward to the role of Daniella... However, for the show to proceed smoothly, you must do this and I'll have Gwendolyn be Rowen's wife." 

"...Okay, I understand." Is the single reply she utters handing the shawl to her thrilled understudy.

The quick switch of Kana's role happens so unexpectedly with the disappointment written on her face. Furthermore, they're now robbed of the opportunity to kiss a second time. Wendell wants to see how she would've reacted, and his dwarf friend insists there'll be other chances before returning to her task. Though the prince hasn't received permission to propose, he still desires to make a decision so this web of lies can die.

After the preparations are complete countless guests now occupy their seats, the audience growing full. Ms. Grumphan gives a strong opening speech for those who took the time to stop by and watch. While she speaks, Wendell peeps from backstage with his blue eyes searching the crowd. Luckily, he finds the person of interest in a perfect spot toward the middle. There he shouldn't be so far away that Kana misses him, nor seated too close where she may see right through the disguise. 

Tielo is a castle worker around his age and fit excellently for carrying out this plan. He will sneak off near the final act, so Kana cannot try approaching him afterward. It should keep her from drawing suspicion seeing them in the same area together. Also, he does want to make it up to her somehow for passing on the parade before. 

The first act of the play commences as the chatter quiets down. Despite their earlier disorder, the famous play follows through without any major issues. Wendell manages to stay in character and gains more praise from fellow peers for his fighting technique. He has indeed honed the newly taught skills in his swordsmanship classes which prove useful for this lead role. Though the royal boy isn't the only one doing a great job as Oliver truly conquered the role of King Benedict. His rival portrays the character quite seriously, rather than go overboard like he originally feared. Even Kana performs the foul Elizabeth well, but it lacks the spark she once held with her previous part. 

Approaching the later middle of the play, another throne room scene is recreated. Oliver sits upon the large golden chair with several attendants flocking at his sides. A triple knock on the door comes from a palace guard who enters and humbly bows. 

"Your Majesty, a commoner wishes to have an audience with you. His request is said to be urgent." 

"Bring him in," he firmly responds, and after a short wait, the young male shakily reveals himself. 

The strawberry blonde has rags on for clothing and instantly falls face forward at the king's feet. Justus is one of the few working as a minor character alongside juggling his stage tasks. To his surprise, their teacher suggested him main roles but he refused them all. Though perhaps the dwarf he has been keeping company the whole time had something to do with it.

"Oh, Great King, I beg of your assistance! That wicked Yvonne has destroyed our beautiful village to ash. Hardly anyone survived the gruesome tragedy, and it's only a matter of time before this entire country is wiped out. Your past victories show you possess the strength to defeat her."

"I've heard your desperate plea and will act as soon as possible. My dear people are very precious to me, and life means nothing if I can recuse this kingdom with my sacrifice. Fear no longer as she will meet her end from my hands." Oliver steps down to give the frightened villager a reassuring pat on his head. Thanking him for such neverending bravery, Justus takes his exit in high spirits. However, the minute he is gone the once confident facade vanishes. 

"B-Bring Rowen in quickly!" he demands, and his turn up, the prince presents himself on stage. 

"I'm right here, Your Majesty." Wendell gets on a knee to pay him proper respects. 

"Look, a second attack has been launched now against FaeryFalls. Your outstanding leadership is what has saved us time and time again. Now go and prepare to face that evil queen, Yvonne." 

"But My King, she is extremely powerful more than anything I've ever faced. Yvonne uses dark arts not known to man, and by the grace of God, I've lasted this long. Besides, you should be leading your own army into battle as you claim," he calmly argues, but a shiver of fear runs down the king's spine. 

"You can drive this mission to victory similar to every other. I myself should remain here and continue bringing comfort to these anxious people. I'll reward you handsomely when you return." 

"If I return you can keep your treasures. Nevertheless, I'll go home and get ready... I do hope you rise to your potential one day, regardless if I'm not able to witness it." Wendell stands swiftly taking his leave, and it is weird acting reverse roles even for a play.

Simply two parts remain before his job is over and done, though this next one has him more stressed than the first time. In the parting scene, he'll kiss not Kana but another girl from their class that's her understudy. The prince hasn't ever kissed Blanche--who is currently his fiancee, and now he must share an intimate moment with a practical stranger. 

Wendell tugs at his suffocating collar while they proceed through their sorrowful lines. Although his natural emotions are absent, unlike when the brunette was playing his beautiful wife. As their goodbye draws closer his heart beats faster at a loss on how to possibly avoid this kiss. 

"I'll always love you, Daniella," he mumbles these once tender words and hesitantly leans in. Prior to the faintest brush of their lips, he tilts up kissing her forehead instead. This sudden dodge surprises his 'wife' including the crowd with hush whispers passing about. His intention isn't to offend the girl, however, he just can't allow himself to kiss anyone but Kana. 

The rest of the play ends without further complications as loud applause fills their ears. Wendell glances at the taller girl who must've noticed Tielo leave during their closing act. A slight smile tugs on her lips gazing at where he had sat, and at least she seems happy despite the somewhat dirty trick. 

All the students happily conversate backstage while packing up to head home. Wendell talks with Oliver for a minute before excusing himself to go search for Kana. He soon catches the girl edging toward the exit, apparently not in the mood to chat. 

"Hey, Kana, what's the rush? Ya did some real good actin with your role as Elizabeth. Her crude personality is a total opposite to yours, yet ya brought her character to life on stage." 

"Oh, thanks, I was nervous being swapped roles with little time to prepare. Your earlier doubts were needless because you played the best Rowen. I'm impressed how you managed to pull off that formal voice," she compliments in return, and an awkward silence falls between the pair. "I was just wondering... Why didn't you kiss Gwendolyn out there? I guess you technically did but..." 

"Oh, right... Well, I just thought I might be comin down with somethin like Pascal fell ill. That's the reason I avoided kissin her like the script." 

Wendell is happy she chose to question him about this after all. Kana showing interest could suggest the girl is secretly relieved he didn't do so. 

"That was considerate of you. It's a shame you missed the chance to kiss two different girls. Fortunately, Ms. Grumphan wasn't upset," she replies, with a teasing smile that causes his heart to sink. "Well, I have deliveries to run and I'm already late. See you at school tomorrow!" 

Kana sprints off with her usual energy, and his initial joy has faded. The brunette hadn't seemed flustered one bit, even going far as cracking a distasteful joke. Between this reaction and the one when they kissed, no romantic feelings are sparking whatsoever.

I figured accepting this role would clear my anxious thoughts, but I'm just stuck with more uncertainty now than before...

A/N The chapter ends here. How do you feel about Kana's behavi

or? This like the previous update came early because I'm so behind with this story. However, it'll be a minute before the next one since that's the last double update.