Chapter 5

This would be my first time exiting the dome. I had never witnessed a Zawn in real life, only heard the stories of their eagerness to cause chaos and sadness.

Mom equipped me with a cloaking device. It was designed to allow me the ability to blend into my environment. Like an Earth chameleon does with its environment.

Instead of nervousness and fear, my body was full of love and purpose. The Quible Stone was in full effect.

The Zawn's were everywhere outside the dome. Most of them lived in tunnels under the surface of Abrath. Their senses were heightened which allowed them to detect even the slightest hint of an outsider.

Loud groans and growls echoed through the desert landscape. Perhaps it was a warning sign to the other Zawns or maybe this was just how things were outside the dome.

As I pushed towards the outpost, I would randomly cloak into a durnbary bush (Earth's common bush) or a wild Sheef (Earth's deer).

That's how I made my first mistake. The sheef cloak. Zawn's absolutely love sheef meat and would stop at nothing to obtain it.

Before I could even hatch a plan, my sheef body was entangled in a snare trap. I hung upside down from a trampo tree by my triple tail.

In the distance I could see a horde of Zawns approaching. They had weapons in hand and were ready for a feast.

My mission may be over before it even gets started.